At bonsai maintenance is all about redeployment of energy. We are redeploying the energy in parts of the tree where we want stronger growth, ticker brunches ... And vice versa of course. Pinching of pine candles or cutting broad-leaved trees.
Taxus that I dug out in spring at Borut's garden in spring has a bunch of new growth all over it. So, this is a appropriate time for first cutting. I cut all the new growth at nebari, this growth take a lot of energy from the tree, but in the future I'll not need the brunches there. So I cut all the growth and redeployed the energy at the higher brunches, which I'll use for the future crown. Three months ago this was just an ugly stump but now the new growth is all over it. Taxus always react as this and of course we can use well this in bonsaism.
Pri vzdrževanju bonsajev gre v bistvu za prerazporejanje energije. Energijo v drevesu prerazporejamo tja, kjer hočemo bujnejšo, gostejšo rast, debelejše veje ... In seveda obratno. Naj bo to vršičkanje borov ali smrek, ali obrezovanje listavcev.
Tisa, ki sem jo spomladi izkopal na Borutovem vrtu je bujno pognala. Skrajni čas za prvo redčenje nove rasti: osredotočil sem se na poganjke ob nebariju, ki drevesu jemljejo veliko energije, v prihodnosti pa tam vej seveda ne bom potreboval. Zato sem v tem območju porezal vse zelenje in s tem energijo preusmeril na veje višje na drevesu iz katerih bom v pihodnosti izoblikoval krošnjo. V dobrih treh mesecih je iz golega štrclja zelenje pognalo kot noro. Tisa se na obrezovanje vedno odzove na takšen način in to v bonsajizmu seveda s pridom izkoriščamo.

A long, free-growing brunch, which is sticking out of crown is not beautiful. But sacrifice brunch is the most simple way to redeploying the energy into the brunch which we want to grow thicker. The difference between free-growing and cutting brunch is more then obvious. In three months the diameter was multiplied by two and the bark is cracked and look older. I re-deployed the energy in the lower part of the tree, where brunches weakened in years and are slowly dieing out. But we don't want to be so. Now the lower part of the tree gets a fresh energy and it will grow more strongly.
Dolga, prostorastoča mladika, ki štrli iz sicer skrbno oblikovane krošnje, seveda ni lepa. A žrtvena veja je najenostavnejši način, kako energijo preusmerimo v vejo, ki jo želimo odebeliti. Razlika med prostorastočo in obrezovano vejo je več kot očitna. V treh mesecih je premer še enkrat večji, tudi skorja je razpokana in na pogled starejša. Energijo sem s tem preusmeril v spodnji del drevesa, kjer veje z leti počasi slabijo in odmirajo. Tega pa pri bonsaju seveda nočemo. Zdaj je spodnji del drevesa dobil svežo energijo in bo na novo zaživel.