sobota, 15. marec 2014


Last days I have my schedule so crowded that the days are way to short for everything: working on the trees from my collection, fence construction, work in Tora bonsai school, collecting yamadoris, job, preparing everything for project in South Africa ... too much for even the most resilient guy!
Therefore, this time just a few pictures from the last two meetings - first of all, there are pictures of the meeting of the Central Group, which has experienced a high visit from Brussels! :-)
Zadnje dni imam urnik tako natrpan, da ima dan daleč premalo ur: delo na drevesih iz moje zbirke, postavljanje ograje, delo v šoli Tora, kopanje jamadorijev, služba, priprave na odhod v Južno Afriko ... Preveč tudi za najbolj trdoživega kereljca!
Zato tokrat le nekaj slik iz zadnjih dveh srečanj - najprej so tu slike z srečanja centralne skupine, ki je doživela visok obisk iz Bruslja! :-)

Primorska group is developing very fast. Better and better trees, among boys there are some good talents.
Primorska skupina se razvija z velikimi koraki. Vedno boljša drevesa, med fanti je nekaj dobrih talentov.

I just want to introduce a Gregor's Prunus, which made ​​yet another step forward. It is a superb tree that is developing in a great bonsai.
Malce podrobneje naj predstavim le Gregorjevo rešeliko, ki je na zadnji delavnici napravila še en korak naprej. Gre za vrhunsko drevo, ki se razvija v odličen bonsaj.

Gregor is considering shortening the top, which is actually necessary: the tree will gain a lot; virtual says it all:
Gregor razmišlja o krajšanju vrha, kar je pravzaprav nujno: drevo bo s krajšanjem pridobilo ogromno; virtual pove vse:
P.S.: Tomorrow the last course for beginners, some re-poting, then packing: South Africa, here I come!
P.S.: Jutri še zadnji tečaj za začetnike, nekaj presajanja, potem pa pakirat: Južna Afrika, že prihajam!

ponedeljek, 3. marec 2014


Ultimate success largely depends on the quality of the starting material - that is soon clear to anyone who is seriously starting to engage with the bonsai art. Peter came back to the studio, he brought the pine, which we've already analyzed at last year's workshop. This is an example of poor material. Peter collected it in the early stage of his bonsai path, when he not yet developed the taste for material. Pine has no tappering, the trunk is twisted in one long arc, at least the branches are useful. But despite of not promising tree, we did not give up :-)
Da je končni uspeh v bonsajizmu v veliki meri odvisen od kvalitete začetnega materijala, je kmalu jasno vsakomur, ki se resneje začne ukvarjati z umetnostjo. Peter se je v atelje vrnil z borom, ki sva ga analizirala že na lanski delavnici. Primer slabega materijala. Peter ga je izkopal še na začetku svoje bonsajske poti, ko okusa za materijal še ni imel izostrenega. Bor nima ožanja, deblo je zvito v en dolg lok; vsaj veje so kolikor toliko uporabne. A kljub neobetajočemu drevesu, se nisva dala :-)
Pine as arrived to workshop last year
The first idea has been to lean the pine even more, but this would emphasise te ugly bow even more. Instead, we left tree in the current position, the bow was corrected with bending. Then the crown was re-styled and for now we're squeezed quite a lot out of the tree .
Prva ideja je celo bila, da bi bor še bolj nagnila, a s tem bi grd lok prišel še bolj do izraza. Namesto nagiba sva drevo pustila v dosedanji poziciji, lok pa razbila s krivljenjem. Potem je prišlo na vrsto še urejanje krošnje in za zdaj sva iz drevesa iztisnila kar veliko.
Pine after first re-styling
Maybe Peter will even think about shortening the lower cloud in the future. He has enough time to think about until next step!
Mogoče bo Peter v bodočnosti razmislil celo o krajšanju spodnjega oblačka. Časa za razmišljanje ima do naslednjega koraka dovolj!
Virtual without lower cloud
Completely different has been work on Carpinus. Again, this is not an excellent material, but nevertheless much better than pine. It has a good nebari, nice narrowing  and in the upper part it has a beautiful movement .
Povsem drugačno je bilo delo na navadnem gabru. Tudi to ni vrhunski materijal, a veliko boljši, kot bor. Ima zadovoljiv nebari, lepo ožanje in v zgornjem delu lepo gibanje.
Carpinus before first step
Pruning, wiring, a few corrections and the first step was made ​​!
Obrezovanje, žičenje, še nekaj popravkov in prvi korak je storjen! 
Peter adjusting a branch
Carpinus after first step