Last days I have my schedule so crowded that the days are way to short for everything: working on the trees from my collection, fence construction, work in Tora bonsai school, collecting yamadoris, job, preparing everything for project in South Africa ... too much for even the most resilient guy!
Therefore, this time just a few pictures from the last two meetings - first of all, there are pictures of the meeting of the Central Group, which has experienced a high visit from Brussels! :-)
Therefore, this time just a few pictures from the last two meetings - first of all, there are pictures of the meeting of the Central Group, which has experienced a high visit from Brussels! :-)
Zadnje dni imam urnik tako natrpan, da ima dan daleč premalo ur: delo na drevesih iz moje zbirke, postavljanje ograje, delo v šoli Tora, kopanje jamadorijev, služba, priprave na odhod v Južno Afriko ... Preveč tudi za najbolj trdoživega kereljca!
Zato tokrat le nekaj slik iz zadnjih dveh srečanj - najprej so tu slike z srečanja centralne skupine, ki je doživela visok obisk iz Bruslja! :-)
Primorska group is developing very fast. Better and better trees, among boys there are some good talents.
Primorska skupina se razvija z velikimi koraki. Vedno boljša drevesa, med fanti je nekaj dobrih talentov.
I just want to introduce a Gregor's Prunus, which made yet another step forward. It is a superb tree that is developing in a great bonsai.
Malce podrobneje naj predstavim le Gregorjevo rešeliko, ki je na zadnji delavnici napravila še en korak naprej. Gre za vrhunsko drevo, ki se razvija v odličen bonsaj.
Gregor is considering shortening the top, which is actually necessary: the tree will gain a lot; virtual says it all:
Gregor razmišlja o krajšanju vrha, kar je pravzaprav nujno: drevo bo s krajšanjem pridobilo ogromno; virtual pove vse:
P.S.: Tomorrow the last course for beginners, some re-poting, then packing: South Africa, here I come!
P.S.: Jutri še zadnji tečaj za začetnike, nekaj presajanja, potem pa pakirat: Južna Afrika, že prihajam!