petek, 25. september 2015


TORA international bonsai school is back in business :-) After a short break due to a trip to China the normal schedule is back in order. Peter, one of my students, bring his nice little spruce to the atelier. Spruce has nice tapering and movement, It is strong and is ready to work on.
Mednarodna bonsajska šola TORA je spet operativna :-) Po krajšem premoru zaradi potovanja na Kitajsko je spet v veljavi običajen urnik. Peter, eden naših od študentov, je v atelje prinesel krasno majhno smreko. Smreka ima lepo ožanje in gibanje, je močna in pripravljena za delo.
Picea abies, before first styling
After analysis, we came up with two possible solutions: one is upright and the other is half-cascade tree. We made a quick sketch:
Po analizi sva imela dve možni rešitvi: prva je pokončno in druga pol kaskadno drevo. Na hitro sva skicirala možni rešitvi:
Two possible solutions
Because we want that the natural shari at the first curve became a focal point of this tree, we decided to go with a half-cascade solution, even though is a little harder to achieve and will need more time to mature. It brings more character out of the material than an upright one.
Ker sva hotela, da naraven šari v prvi krivini postane osrednja točka tega drevesa, sva se odločila za pol kaskado; pa čeprav jo bo težje izvesti in bo potrebovala več časa za zorenje. Ampak iz materijala izvleče več karakterja, koz pokončna.
This will be the focal point of the future bonsai
So we started to work. First, we bring the future top closer to the main trunk, then Peter start to clean and wire the tree.
Zagnala sva se v delo. Najprej sva bodoči vrh pripeljala bližje glavnemu deblu, potem je Peter začel čistiti in žičiti drevo.
Peter adjusting last details
This is the final result after first styling. This will be a fine chuhin-size han-kengai! Can't wait to see how it will develop! 
To je rezultat po prvem oblikovanju. To bo odlična pol kaskada (han-kengai) čuhin velikosti! Se že veselim njenega razvoja!
Picea abies after first styling

četrtek, 24. september 2015


Guangzhou is a Southern China's Megapolis located in the Pearl river delta, formerly known as Canton, province Guangdong. Guangzhou is the third largest Chinese city and the largest city in South Central China. In 2014 the city's administrative area was estimated to have a population of 13.08 million. Some estimates place the population of the entire Pearl River Delta Mega City built-up area as high as 44 million including Guangzhou's nine urban districts. Guangzhou is part of one of the most populous metropolitan agglomerations on Earth. This past week Guangzhou hosted BCI and Asia-Pacific bonsai convention and I was invited there by the organizers. This are my impressions:
Guangžou je Južno Kitajski megapolis v delti Biserne reke, nekoč znan tudi kot Kanton, v provinci Guangdong. Guangžou je tretje največje Kitajsko mesto in največje v Južnocentralni Kitajski. Leta 2014 je ožje mesto imelo 13,08 miljonov prebivalcev. Ocenjujejo, da je v celotnem poseljenem delu delte Biserne reke, ki vključuje Guangžou in njegovih devet predmestij, kar 44 milijonov ljudi. Guangžou je del najbolj poseljenega mestnega področja na Zemlji. Prejšnji teden je mesto gostilo BCI in Azijsko-Pacifiško bonsajsko konvencijo. Tja so me povabili organizatorji. Tu je nekaj mojih vtisov:
Guangzhou by night

Canton tower, with 600 m third tallest in the world

I am regular traveler and I travel all over the world. Not so many cities impressed me, but Guangzhou is one of them: by its sheer size, for European conditions everything is so big and megalomaniacal, including number of people. Even the BCI convention was biggest so far and organizers did a great job! In Sun Yat-Sen memorial park they put on the show almost 300 great trees, all influenced by the famous Lingnan bonsai school. As everything in China the bonsai trees (Penjing) are really big too! The presentation of the trees was not so great as we are used to in Europe or in Japan, but nevertheless the trees were great. The majority of them were tropical broadleaves species like Ficus, Segeretia, Podocarpus, Bougauinvillea and Murraya. The lines and especially ramification on some trees were fantastic, for our European taste (trained by Japanese school) there were to much of figurines under them and also pots were not so good. But as I wrote before: this was a fantastic show with great trees and I was really glad that I have the opportunity to study them and to learn about Lingnan school.
Kar veliko potujem po celem svetu in ni veliko mest, ki bi name napravila vtis. Ampak Guangžou ga je: z svojo velikostjo, za naše razmere je vse ogromno in megalomansko, tudi število ljudi. Celo BCI konvencija je bila največja do zdaj in organizatorji so se odrezali! V spominskem parku Suna Jat-Sena je bilo na ogled 300 krasnih dreves, vsa v slogu slavne Lingnan šole. Kot vse na Kitajskem, so tudi drevesa (Pendžing) zelo velika! Predstavitev dreves ni bila na takšnem nivoju, kot smo ga vajeni v Evropi ali na Japonskem, toda ne glede na to, so bila drevesa krasna. Večino so predstavljali tropski listavci vrst kot so Ficus, Segeretia, Podocarpus, Bougauinvillea in Murraya. Linije in še posebej razvejanost na nekaterih drevesih je bila fantastična, za naš Evropski okus (šolan Japonsko) je bilo pod njimi preveč figuric, tudi posode niso bile najboljše. Toda, kot sem že zapisal: to je bila krasna razstava z izjemnimi drevesi in vesel sem, da sem jih imel priložnost študirati in se učiti o Lingnanski šoli. 
Sun Yat-Sen memorial park

Exhibition under the shadow of skyscrapers

There were also shohin  compositions

Judges at work

Author at exhibition
The Science Musem was the venue for Suiseki (Ornamental or Viewing stone) exhibition and also the venue for demonstrations and lectures.
Muzej znanosti je bil prizorišče razstave suisekijev, tam so bile tudi razstave in predavanja.
Demonstrations were folowed also by Japanese delegation with Kunio Kobayashi

Suiseki (Viewing stone) exhibition
Organizers also prepared excursions for us, we visited four bonsai-gardens in or near Guangzhou. Learning, meeting new friends, I had a really great time in Guangzhou! Big thanks to the organizers! 
Organizatorji so za nas pripravili tudi ekskurzije, obiskali smo štiri bonsajske vrtove v ali v bližini Guangžouja. Učenje, spoznavanje novih prijateljev, za mano je krasen teden! Hvala organizatorjem!
P.S.: I am preparing a lecture about this trip. We'll met in TORA school in Wensday, 30th of September! Welcome!  
P.S.: Pripravljam predavanje z veliko več fotografijami. Dobimo se v TORI, v sredo 30. septembra ob 17-ih. Vstopnina bo, prosim za prijave!