četrtek, 2. marec 2017


Sabina junipers are a very popular species in bonsai; this European native juniper has even more interesting growing pattern than Japanese Itoigawa. Twisted old trunks are really spectacular,  the foliage isn't so compact and hard as Itoigawa's, but nevertheless one can achieve a really good definition also with Sabina. This is a Sabina juniper from Rok's collection, virgin Yamadori which came to the TORA atelier for the first styling. As usual, first step was a study of possibilities that the tree can offer:

Brini vrste sabina so v bonsajskem svetu zelo popularni; ta avtohtona evropska vrsta brina ima celo še bolj zanimiv vzorec rasti kot japonska itoigawa. Zvita stara debla so res spektakularna. Zelenje sicer ni tako kompaktno in trdo kot pri itoigawi, toda vseeno se da tudi z sabino doseči zelo dobro definicijo. Ta sabina je iz Rokove zbirke; nedotaknjen jamadori, ki je v TORA atelje prišel na prvo oblikovanje. Kot običajno sem se najprej posvetil analizi možnosti, ki jih drevo ponuja:

Future front

Future left side

Future back

After step one, the real work began. First, I cleaned the trunk searching for live veins. The work was like an archeology, but the final result was spectacular: live vein twisting and turning around dead-wood. However - the fact, that the live vein in nebari area isn't visible from the front was a little disappoitment.

Po prvem koraku se je začelo pravo delo. Najprej sem očistil deblo in poiskal žive vene. Delo je malce podobno arheološkemu izkopavanju, toda rezultat je bil spektakularen: žive vene se vijejo okrog mrtvega lesa. Vseeno pa je bilo dejstvo, da vene v območju nebarija ni videti s sprednje strani, manjše razočaranje. 

Part of the trunk before cleaning

The same part of the trunk after cleaning

Live vein twisting and turning around dead-wood...

After cleaning the styling of the crown started. Some raffia, detailed wiring and placement of the branches. The result is great cascade juniper with a great future!

Po čiščenju se je začelo oblikovanje krošnje. Nekaj rafije, podrobno žičenje in pozicioniranje vej. Rezultat je lepa kaskada s svetlo prihodnostjo!

The result after wiring

Further analysis showed another possible step - cutting the lower part of the cascade crown would be great, because with minimal crown the spectacular trunk would be even more emphasized. But this will be the owner's decision...

Nadaljna analiza je nakazala mogoč korak - rezanje najnižjega dela kaskadne krošnje. Zminimalno krošnjo bi bilo spektakularno deblo še bolj poudarjeno. Toda odločitev bo prepuščena lastniku ...

The current styling ...

... and possible step in virtual