Koledar za leto 2011 / Calendar for 2011:
15.1.-16.1. - TORA SCHOOL, part 1 - Samobor (CRO)
Workshop for members of Hrvatski bonsai klub
22.1.-23.1. - NOELANDERS TROPHY - Zolder (BEL)
Just visiting, meeting friends and having a good time!
5.3.-6.3. - PROGETTO FUTURO IN TORA, part 2 - Mošnje (SLO)
2nd part of school with Ivo Saporiti and Enrico Savini in Tora
18.3.-20.3. - FLORA FAIR - Celje (SLO)
Club exhibition and demonstrations
26.3.-27.3. - TORA SCHOOL, part 2 - Samobor (CRO)
Workshop for members of Hrvatski bonsai klub
14.4-17.4. - BONSAI SLOVAKIA 2011 - Nitra (SLK)
Invited as demonstrator
30.4.-1.5. - FESTIWALU KWIATOW I SZTUKI - Castle Ksiaz (POL)
Invited as demonstrator
6.5.-8.5. - TROPHY ARCOBONSAI - Arco (ITA)
Invited as paticipant. (Together with Raje)
9.6.-12.6. - JAPAN ART FESTIVAL - Vilnius (LIT)
Invited as demonstrator
9.6.-12.6. - TORA SCHOOL, part 3 - Samobor (CRO)
Workshop for members of Hrvatski bonsai klub
30.9.-2.10 - EBA CONVENTION 2011 - Ratingen (NEM)
I'll represent Slovenia at New Talent Contest
As calendar will fill up, I'll update it! See you outhere!
torek, 21. december 2010
ponedeljek, 20. december 2010
Tomaz is one of my students with really great feeling for trees. They mean a lot more for him then for ordinary people. And this is a good stuff for one who want to be a bonsaist :-) ! Because winter is long and indigenous trees are resting, Tomaz bought a ficus some time ago, and of course ficus is living in the house trough winter. In my career I saw much by the beginners but not ficus in such good health yet. Tomaz has a green fingers and the tree will easily wait for spring, when he'll put it back outside in the garden. And because the tree is in such great health and because Tomaz is hungry for bonsai-work, we did a little shaping. We bent main brunches in to position and we did a plan of it's development. Next step will be a summer defoliation and detailed shaping of crown.
Tomaž je eden od mojih učencev, ki ima neverjeten čut za drevesa. Pomenijo mu več, kot običajnim ljudem. In to je dobra predispozicija za bonsajista :-) ! Ker so zime dolge in avtohtona drevesa počivajo, si je Tomaž že pred časom omislil fikus, ki seveda zimo preživi v stanovanju. Pri začetnikih sem videl že marsikaj, toda fikusa v tako dobri formi že dolgo ne. Tomaž ima očitno zelene prste in drevo bo zlahka počakalo na pomlad, ko ga bo Tomaž spet postavil na vrt. In ker je v tako dobri formi, Tomažu pa dolgčas po bonsajizmu, sva se ga malce lotila. Usmerila glavne veje in napravila načrt razvoja. Naslednji korak bo poletno razlistenje in detaljno urejanje krošnje.
Miha, this is for you - this is how the spruce might look in a two or three years ...
Miha, tole je pa zate - takole naj bi izgledala smreka v dveh ali treh letih ...

sreda, 15. december 2010
Last two days I spent in Bologna in Enrico Savini's school. After return from Norway and furious last weeks my head wanted a break. Rajko couldn't go, so Matej, one of my students, took the opportunity of workshop with great master.
Zadnje dva dni sem preživel pri Enricu Saviniju na sedežu njegove šole v Bologni. Po vrnitvi z Norveške in tempu zadnjih nekaj tednov, je glava hotela odklop. Raje sicer ni mogel zraven, zato pa je priložnost delavnice z vrhunskim mojstrom izkoristil eden mojih učencev Matej.
We just stepped out of a car when Enrico was already asking: "What are you thinking about this tree? What are your plans? OK, start working!" Half hour break for a modest lunch, then work until dinner. Fatigue already crawled into bones, my body wanted to rest. "Until ten o'clock wiring, I'll check, then we'll go to sleep. Tomorrow we'll start early," Enrico sent us back into workshop. OK, I confess, at 10.30 pm also my head had enough. Still a little more wiring and then saving message on my cell fone arrived from villa above: "Come on Tomaz, we go to bed :-) "
Še nisva dobro stopila iz avtomobila, ko je Enrico že spraševal: "Kakšne načrte imaš z drevesom? Aha, dobro, loti se dela!" Pol urice odmora za špartansko kosilo, delo do večerje. Utrujenost je že lezla v kosti, telo si je želelo počitka. "Do desetih še malo navijat žico, pridem pogledat, potem pa spat. Jutri začnemo zgodaj," naju je Enrico poslal nazaj v delavnico. OK, priznam, ob pol enajstih zvečer, je imela tudi glava vsega dovolj, še nekaj žice in potem je iz vile zgoraj v delavnico le prišlo odrešilno SMS sporočilo: "Come on Tomaz, we go to bed :-) "

In the morning we continued. My spruce is wired: "OK, shape it. Don't mind too wide crown, use all brunches, I want to see your level." Next two hours I spent shaping the tree. Meanwhile Matej was helping with wiring other student's tree. Of course Enrico did find some mistakes, but that why I am here. Until lunch and some hours after we together worked on details. Master reveals his secrets, my knowledge is growing. Perfect!
Zjutraj nadaljevanje. Smreka je ožičena: "OK, oblikuj. Ne oziraj se na preširoko krošnjo, uporabi vse veje, želim spoznati tvoj nivo." Naslednji dve uri, Matej med tem drugim Savinijevim učencem pomaga pri žičenju, oblikujem drevo. Jasno, Enrico je našel kar nekaj napak, toda zato sem tu. Skupaj se potem do kosila in še nekaj ur po njem posvečava podrobnostim. Mojster razkriva svoje skrivnosti, vreča mojega znanja se polni. Popolno!
Two days of intensive work with Enrico was invigorating. I still don't know how to wire :-) Of course,when master wants a perfection: "80% of shaping is in right wiring." Right shaping of brunches, details makes a difference. I'll definitely return in Bologna. Probably already in the spring!
Dva dni intenzivnega dela z Enricom je bilo poživljajoče. Žičit še vedno ne znam. :-) Seveda, ko pa mojster na drevesu hoče perfekcijo: "80% oblikovanja predstavlja pravilno žičenje." Pravilno oblikovanje vej, podrobnosti, ki delajo razliko. V Bologno se gotovo še vrnem. Najbrž že spomladi.
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