After two weeks of vacation work continued in the central group of Tora bonsai school. Tomaž made a good step forward in the development of his shohin size cotoneaster. It is a very good material because it has everything that a tree must have - nebari (well, this is perhaps the worst part), narrowing, movement, branches at the right place. Even if the tree is small, it must have all of the above, it is often the case that students come to the workshop with a small tree, which is as thick as a pencil. Sticks in containers are not good material. In most cases it is so that a small tree, which has all the qualities, is even more difficult to find than big one. However, Tomaž's cotoneaster is a quality shohin and after this session has taken a step forward.
Po dveh tednih počitnic je delo nadaljevala tudi centralna skupina šole Tora. Tomaž je napravil lep korak naprej v razvoju panešpljice šohin velikosti. Gre za zelo dober materijal, saj ima vse, kar drevo mora imeti - nebari (no ta je morda še najslabši del), ožanje, gibanje, veje na pravem mestu. Tudi če je drevo majhno, mora imeti vse našteto; velikokrat se namreč zgodi, da tečajniki pridejo na delavnico z majhnim drevesom, ki je debelo kot svinčnik. Paličice v posodah pač niso dober materijal. In največkrat je tako, da je majhno drevo, ki ima vse kvalitete, še težje najti, kot večje. Kakorkoli, Tomaževa panešpljica sodi med kvalitetne šohine in je po tokratnem srečanju napravila še korak naprej.
Cotoneaster before work
Tomaž concentrating
Cotoneaster after work. Nice step forward!
This is the classic styled tree that you can easily imagine at the bottom of the shohin composition ... Now Tomaž will have to find some similar carpinus and pines ... :-)
Gre za klasično oblikovano drevo, ki si ga zlahka predstavljam v spodnjem delu šohin kompozicije ... Zdaj bo tomaž moral poiskati še kak podoben gaber, pa bor ... :-)
Janez started a new project - an exciting mugo pine. Due to nebari and in particular the position of the roots a tree does not allow much changing of the angle of planting. Therefore, Janez decided to choose the most interesting front and with a heavy bending he leaded the crown in to the correct position. It took him two hours but he completely succeed. Now the tree has an excellent starting point for further development. But before styling and precise wiring of crown, the tree will rest for at least half a year ...
Janez je začel s pripravo novega projekta - zanimivega ruševja. Zaradi nebarija in predvsem položaja korenin prav dosti spreminjanja kota posaditve drevo ne dopušča. Zato se je Janez odločil, da izbere najzanimivejšo sprednjo stran in krošnjo z močnim zvijanjem pripelje v pravi položaj. To mu je po dveh urah sopihanja tudi povsem uspelo. Zdaj ima drevo odlično izhodišče za nadaljni razvoj. Toda pred oblikovanjem in natančnim žičenjem krošnje bo drevo vsaj pol leta počivalo ...
Mugo before work
Janez used clamps for heavy bending
Mugo after first step
Oh and yes, Jan is back in the flock ! :-)
O in ja, Jan se je vrnil v jato! :-)
Jan is back!
P.S.: The next meeting of the Central Group will be held on Tuesday, 4 March !
P.S.: Naslednje srečanje centralne skupine bo v TOREK, 4. marca!