sreda, 30. julij 2014


Here is a new project, a special spruce from Miha's garden. Multi-trunk spruce collected years ago, Miha edited the root system and transplanted it into bonsai-pot. It has now been ready for the first styling. So, Miha came to TORA bonsai school.
Tu je nov projekt, posebna smreka z Mihatovega vrta. Večdebelno smreko je izkopal že pred leti, ji uredil koreninski sistem in jo presadil v bonsajsko posodo. Zdaj je bilo na vrsti prvo oblikovanje. Za to je Miha poiskal pomoč v šoli TORA.
Picea abies before work in TORA studio

Miha working
At styling we tryed to maintain the natural feeling of a tree. We did a selection of branches and then we wired the tree. There is always a LOT of wiring on spruces! But we worked slowly throughout the crown and set up the skeleton for the future. In the future, the tree will have more open spaces, but we'll keep the silhouette inside its current dimensions.
Pri oblikovanju sva pazila na to, da sva ohranila naravni pridih drevesa. Napravila sva selekcijo vej in se posvetila žičenju. Pri smrekah je le-tega vedno v izobilju! A prebila sva se skozi celotno krošnjo in postavila skelet za prihodnost. V prihodnosti bo v krošnji še več praznega prostora, sicer pa bo silhueta ohranjana znotraj sedanjih dimenzij.  

Special tree for special owner ...

Spruce needs some rest now ...

nedelja, 27. julij 2014


Summer is of course a very good time to work on Junipers and evenings and early mornings in the company of trees are something special. This one I purposely somewhat neglected, that it gained in strength and diversification with new growth. Now I cut all old wire, cleaned the branches off unnecessary growth and wired it again.
Poletje je seveda zelo primeren čas za delo na brinih in večeri ter zgodnja jutra v družbi dreves so nekaj posebnega. Tegale sem namenoma nekoliko zanemaril, da je z bujno rastjo pridobil na moči in razvejanosti. Zdaj sem porezal vso staro žico, očistil veje nepotrebne rasti in ga na novo ožičil.

Juniperus virginiana, before work, July 2014

Juniperus virginiana, after work, July 2014
In two years time, from very hard material, now the composition is already close to the exhibition form.
V dveh letih je iz zelo težkega materijala nastala kompozicija, ki je že blizu razstavne forme.
Development 2012-2014

četrtek, 3. julij 2014


This one is for my customer ...

Ta je po naročilu ...

I hope, that the owner will have a lot of fun with it!
Upam, da bo imel lastnik veselje z njim!