petek, 20. februar 2015


Miha completed the first styling on his stunning root-connected forest of Fagus sylvatica - "yose ue". He worked many nights in TORA atelier, but the result is great. Fantastic piece of material with so many details, this bonsai has a really great future. Now the tree will rest, in one year from now it will be potted on slab which will represent a small hill.
Miha je končal prvo oblikovanje svojega bukovega gozdička - yose ue. Kar nekaj večerov je trdo delal v TORA atelejeju, toda rezultat je odličen. Krasen materijal ima zelo veliko podorbnosti, ta bonsai ima res svetlo prihodnost. Zdaj bo drevo počivalo, čez leto dni pa bo posajen pa ploščo, ki bo predstavljala manjši hrib.
Fagus sylvatica as arrived in to atelier

Miha started a long process of cutting and wiring

Great root-connected nebari, one of many fine details on the tree

Miha working on last details
This is also a  possible front

Fagus sylvatica, yose ue, after first styling


ponedeljek, 16. februar 2015


I am sure, that you already know everything about this year's Noelanders trophy; I'll just add some of my impressions: Noelanders Trophy 2015 was amazing show. After year or two of stagnation, the exhibition gain the momentum, the quality rises again. There were many world class trees, a lot of them really mature and really ready for show. Judges had a hard job to announced the best bonsais among this quality. The new venue is great, especially the traders have enough space now.
Prepričan sem, da o letošnjem Noelanders Trophyju veste že vse, dodal bom samo nekaj mojih vtisov: Noelanders Trophy 2015 je bil izjemen. Po nekaj letih stagnacije je razstava dobila nov zalet in kvaliteta se spet dviguje. Na ogled je bilo veliko mojstrovin, veliko med njimi jih je bilo res zrečih in pripravljenih na razstavljanje. Sodniki so imeli zelo težko delo, da so med takšno kvaliteto razglasili najboljše bonsaje. Nov prostor je odličen, predvsem prodajalci imajo zdaj dovolj prostora.
Sašo, student of TORA international bonsai school, enjoying the first contact with high quality trees at night before the official opening ...
Willy Evenepoel, the master photographer of Noelanders Trophy, is preparing my Juniper for official photographing
My other Juniper at official photographing
Fantastic bark on Black pine of Jesus Valero

I was atracted by this composition of Erasmo Garcia Fernandez

The new venue is great

Fantastic Alnus serrulata, the best decidous tree. The new owner is Mauro Stemberger (maybe for a last month or two), but all credits goes to Spanish El Tim bonsai even though on the card Mauro was credited also as artist. 

The great winner of the NT 2015: fantastic Pinus pentaphylla. The owner is Andres Alvarez Iglesias, Mario Komsta styled this tree as is correctly listed on the card ;-)

The best shohin: great composition by Mark adn Rita Cooper.
Organizers still have room for improvement, especially at reception of the trees ... Nevertheless I was proud to be a part of such a show with two of my trees. I was happy to met all my bonsai friends again and spent some quality time with them. Also the students of TORA international school enjoyed the exhibition ...
Organizatorji imajo še vedno kar nekaj prostora za izboljšave, predvsem pri sprejemu dreves ... Kakorkoli že, bil sem ponosen, da sem bil z dvema svojima drevesoma del takšnega dogodka. Vesel sem bil ponovnih snidenj z bonsajskimi prijatelji in časa, ki sem ga preživel z njimi. Tudi študentje šole TORA so na razstavi uživali ...

nedelja, 8. februar 2015


Today international students from Croatia came in to the studio, we worked on Dean's black pine. We prepared this tree almost a year ago at workshop in Samobor. It is a Pinus nigra var. dalmatica variety, which has a shorter needles than Pinus nigra austriaca. Nevertheless  - a good material of this species is very rare. This tree has very good bottom part of trunk and great bark, but still a lot of straight lines. So we tried to give some dynamics in to the crown.

Danes je bila v ateljeju mednarodna skupina študentov s Hrvaške; delali smo na Dejanovem črnem boru. Drevo smo pripravili skoraj eno leto nazaj, na delavnici v Samoboru. Gre za Pinus nigra var. dalmatica, podvrsto, ki ima krajše iglice kot Pinus nigra austriaca. Kakorkoli, dober materijal te vrste je zelo redek. To drevo ima dober spodnji del debla, krasno skorjo, toda tudi kar nekaj ravnih linij. Torej smo se trudili dinamiko vkompnirati v krošnjo.

Pinus nigra var. dalmatica, as it came to atelier

Interantional group working together

The result after first styling

A slightly different front angle

A happy owner 

 before / after

The result of first styling is very good. Dean should be proud of this tree which has a good future. With the proper after care, pinching at the right time, watering, feeding, a lot of sun. the tree can improve a lot in next two years. Great job guys!

Rezultat prvega oblikovanja je zelo dober. Dean je lahko ponosen na drevo, ki ima lepo prihodnost. S pravilno oskrbo, vršičkanjem ob pravem času, zalivanjem, gnojenjem, veliko sonca, lahko drevo v naslednjih dveh letih veliko pridobi. Dobro delo fantje!

Chilling out after work 

četrtek, 5. februar 2015


Just a few glimpses from workshop. Students were busy yesterday, Aleš finsihed his first ever styling on spruce.

Tu je le nekaj utrinkov iz delavnice. Študentje so bili včeraj zaposleni, Aleš je na smreki dokončal svoje sploh prvo oblikovanje.