From afar castle Ksiaz in the middle of Fagus woods looks mighty and a bit mysterious. Like mirage in the distance. Up close impression is no different. It is one of the biggest polish castles; some years ago there was a EBA convention, this time it was a host of Polish national exhibition. Me and my assistant Tomaz were performing as demonstrators. Exhibition was part of Flower and art festival, whole weekend there was a great river of people running trough castle countless halls. But castle is so huge that one can find a place only for himself where one can admire work of masters from the past.
Grad Ksiaz sredi bukovih gozdov že od daleč deluje mogočno in malce skrivnostno. Kot privid v daljavi. Od blizu vtis ni nič drugačen. Gre za enega največjih gradov na Poljskem, pred leti je gostil konvencijo EBA, tokrat pa je bil prizorišče poljske nacionalne razstave, kjer sem skupaj z asistentom Tomažem nastopil kot demonstrator. Razstava je bila v sklopu festivala rož in umetnosti, cel konec tedna se je v grad in po njegovih brezštevilnih sobanah valila ogromna reka ljudi. A grad je tako ogromen, da kljub vsemu lahko najdeš kotiček zase in občuduješ delo rok mojstrov iz preteklosti.
Bonsais were hiding in a dance hall, revealed some interesting views.
Bonsaji so se skrivali v plesni dvorani, razkrivali so se zanimivi pogledi.
My Prunus, this time exhibited in tokonoma, got EBA's Certificate of Merit and with that a proof that it is in a good way. This was one of the awards in the exhibition.
Moja rešeljika, tokrat razstavljena v tokonomi, je s certifikatom kakovosti, ki jo podeljuje EBA, dobila potrdilo, da je na dobri poti in eno od nagrad na razstavi.
The main job we did in Saturday. My friend and organizer Piotr Czerniachowski gave me a Picea pungens for a demo. "It needs your Italian hands," he said and that what he get. We, me and Tomaz, were analyzing the Picea in Friday evening, I drew the sketch and with that we started the demo. We were on the stage together with great Seok Ju Kim form Korea and Milan Karpisek from Czech republic (his assistent was a great pot-maker Tom Benda).
Osrednja naloga me je čakala v soboto. Prijatelj in organizator razstave Piotr Czerniachowski je za mojo demonstracijo pripravil srebrno smreko. "Potrebuje tvoje italijanske roke," je dejal Piotr in to je tudi dobil. S Tomažem sva smreko že v petek zvečer analizirala in nastala je skica, s katero sva demo tudi začela. Oder sva si delila z odličnim Korejcem Seok Ju Kimom in Čehom Milanom Karpinškom (njegov asistent je bil mojster izdelovaja posodo Tom Benda).
Great atmosphere, far from wild rivalry which is too often the feature of exhibition in the west; here the soapy Slavic soul prevailed. Socializing, endless talks, friendship. That is why I like to come back in this part of the world!
Krasno vzdušje, daleč od divje tekmovalnosti, ki je vse prevečkrat značilno za razstave na zahodu; tu je prevladovala mila slovanska duša. Druženje, neskončni pogovori, prijateljevanje. In zato se v tal del sveta rad vračam!