sreda, 29. junij 2011


Mrs. Milojka was enjoying in shaping the Pinus mugo cultivar, we spent nice three hours together. This was just a right amount of bonsaism for her to feel how nice cerativity in live material is. She promised that she'll return. And because she realy enjoyed the shaping of that pine, I beleive her!

Z gospo Milojko sva uživala v oblikovanju kultivarja ruševja in skupaj preživela prijetne tri urice. Ravno prava doza bonsajizma, da je gospa začutila, kako lepo je ustvarjati v živem materijalu. Obljubila je, da se nismo srečali zadnjič. Glede na to, da je v ustvarjanju res uživala, verjamem, da res!

During the summer we'll focus on work on dead-wood and shaping of tropical species. And we'll not forget to water!

Čez poletje se bomo v Tori posvetili delu na suhem lesu in oblikovanju tropskih vrst. Pa na zalivanje ne bomo pozabili!

nedelja, 26. junij 2011


Grega was probably the last student who worked on Chamaecyparis in this part of the season. We'll continue to work on this species in the autumn! There will be still some workshops, but during the summer we'll concentrate on other techniques, we'll do the shaping only on tropical trees.

Grega je bil verjetno zadnji, ki je to spomladansko sezono delal na pacipresi. Na tej, za učenje zelo primerni vrsti, bomo nadaljevali spet jeseni! Nekaj tečajev se še obeta, toda čez poletje se bomo posvetili drugim tehnikam, oblikovanje pa izvajali le na tropskih vrstah.

I would like to inform all the students who successfully ended the first year of PF school in Tora that we are intensively preparing the program for the second year. There will be four weekends - one in October, February and April, and then the last meeting in June. All workshops will be led by Enrico Savini. Theme of first weekend will be pines, the main theme of whole year will be understanding of reactions of the trees caused by interventions in different times. This will be a interesting year of study, I am already excepting applications, the price is the same as last year. In the same time Tora also invite all students who want to start a first year of study - three workshops led by Ivo Saporiti will be in the same time period (with the exception of April), this will be basic study suitable for all. I am waiting for your applications!

Vsem študentom, ki so uspešno zaključili prvi letnik šole PF v Tori sporočam, da je v intenzivni pripravi program drugega letnika. Šlo bo za štiri konce tedna - po enega v oktobru, februarju in aprilu, ter zaključno srečanje v začetku junija. Vsa srečanja bo vodil Enrico Savini. Tema prvega srečanja bodo bori, sicer pa bo v tem letu poudarek na razumevanju reakcij dreves v povezavi s časom in načinom posegov ter tudi našim podnebjem. Obeta se zanimivo leto študija, prijave že sprejemam, cena ostane nespremenjena.
Tora obenem razpisuje tudi ponoven vpis v prvi letnik - prvi letnik bo vodil Ivo Saporiti, šlo bo za tri srečanja v približno istem terminu (z izjemo aprilskega), šolanje bo potekalo praktično od osnov, tako, da je primerno za vse. Tudi v prvi letnik prijave že sprejemam!

nedelja, 12. junij 2011


This weekend the members of first year of Progetto Futuro school had a last meeting in Tora. Led by Enrico Savini students analyzed their work in last year and complemented their knowledge. Atmosphere was great again, there were a good trees, school has a great success.

Konec tedna se je na zadnjem srečanju v Tori zbral prvi letnik šole Proggeto Futuro. Pod vodstvom Enrica Savinija so študenti analizirali delo v zadnjem letu in dopolnjevali svoje znanje. Vzdušje je bilo spet sijajno, drevesa dobra, šola popoln uspeh.

During the summer the candidates for second year of school can sign up with me or Raje, there will be also free spots for a new generation of first year. In both groups there will be a room for 10 students. We welcome also international students!

Čez poletje bova z Rajetom sprejemala prijave za drugi letnik šole, prav tako pa bodo na voljo mesta za novo generacijo prvega letnika. V obeh skupinah bo prostora za 10 študentov. Vabljeni tudi ljubitelji bonsajev iz tujine!

sobota, 4. junij 2011


Vse študente prvega letnika šole Progetto Futuro prosim, če mi čim prej potrdijo udeležbo na zaključni delavnici prve sezone. Vidimo se 11/12. junija v Tori!
