There were some intensive bonsai-days! In Tuesday morning I had a lecture about bonsai at high school in Novo mesto and I figured out that even high school students can be interested in to bonsai if one can present the art with proper attitude. In the afternoon Gorazd came by, we did a first steps in to bonsai world.
Nekaj intenzivnih bonsajskih dni je spet za mano. V torek dopoldne sem predaval na gimnaziji v Novem mestu in ugotovil, da so ob pravem pristopu bonsaji lahko zanimivi tudi za dijake. Popoldne je na tečaj prišel Gorazd; na rdečem boru sva napravila prve korake v bonsajski svet.
Gorazd working on Pinus sylvestris
Yesterday afternoon was very interesting again. Business director of TORA Rajko came in to atelier ;-) ! First he was concentrating on his other hobby - photographing - and he documented everything from all different corners (you can already see his pictures at his blog, after that he also intervened in to bonsai teaching, of course.
Včerajšnje popoldne pa je bilo na sploh zanimivo. V ateljeju se je namreč oglasil poslovni direktor TORA Rajko ;-) ! Najprej se je posvetil svojemu drugemu hobiju - fotografiranju - in dogajanje dokumentiral iz vseh možnih kotov (slike že lahko občudujete na njegovem blogu, potem pa seveda posegel tudi v bonsajsko dogajanje.
Intensive studying
This was a session dedicated to defoliation of Prunus mahaleb. Janez and Matej defoliated their trees, Janez's got it's first form at one of the winter sessions in atelier. Matej's Prunus is something special - it grows from rock! Both are still in developing phase, but based on experiences with this species we can expect a nice result in just a year or two.
Sicer pa je tokratna seansa minila v znamenju razlistanja rešelik. Janez in Matej sta svoji rešeliki razlistala, Janezova je osnovno obliko dobila na eni od zimskih srečanj v ateljeju, Matejeva pa je nekaj posebnega - raste iz kamna! Obe sta seveda še v fazi razvoja, toda glede na izkušnje s to vrsto, lahko že v letu ali dveh pričakujemo lepe rezultate.
Still developing the top brunch, but coming out nicely
Excentrik tree growing from a rock
Tomaž and Miha were also here, Roland solved some problems on his juniper, Janez also did a first step on his yew. Afternoon was over in the blink of the eye, TORA group is working at full power!
Tu sta bila tudi Tomaž in Miha, Roland je rešil nekaj problemov na svojem brinu, Janez je napravil tudi prvi korak na tisi. Skratka popoldne je spet minilo kot blisk, TORA deluje s polno paro!