I am still deep breathing. After two years of intensive work time for bills has come. EBA 2012 is over. We can be proud of our work and almost everyone who was attending an exhibition in hotel Mons is satisfied too. There is no point to be in a bad mood because of things that is not anther your control.
But anyway. More I am coming familiar with the "jet set" of bonsai more disappointed I am. I can not believe, that this is possible. With all this "stars" there is nothing about bonsai, nothing about enjoying in creativity but only their ego, who will talk bad things about other, who is more important, who is the best, who is smarter, who is more beautiful ... You can be also so important, that you even don't come to say hello ... THIS IS NOT THE ESSENCE OF BONSAI, BOYS! Can you please forget your ego for a while, can you please behave as normal human being and can you start to enjoy in bonsai? I am not impressed by your last name, but by your attitude towards people, your behavior.
Še vedno zajemam sapo. Po dveh letih intenzivnega dela je zdaj čas za obračune. EBA 2012 je za nami. Lahko smo ponosni na delo, ki smo ga opravili in zadovoljnih je tudi velika večina vseh, ki so bili z nami v Monsu. Zaradi stvari, na katere nimaš vpliva, se nima smisla sekirat.
Pa vendarle. Vedno bolj, ko spoznavam t.i. "smetano" bonsajizma, bolj sem razočaran, enostavno ne morem verjeti, da je to mogoče. Da pri vseh teh "zvezdnikih" ni v ospredju bonsajizem, uživanje v ustvarjanju, ampak zgolj njihov ego, kdo bo koga bolj popljuval, kdo je pomembnejši, kdo je boljši, kdo je pametnejši, lepši ... Da si tako pomemben, da se ti ne zdi vredno niti priti pozdravit. TO NI BISTVO BONSAJIZMA FANTJE! Pozabite že enkrat na svoj ego, obnašajte se normalno in uživajte v tem kar počnete. Name ne napravi vtis vaš priimek, temveč vaš odnos do ljudi, vaše obnašanje.
I realized, that there is no country without bonsai people being divided into clans, arguing over who in this world is the only one right and who is a moron. Except one little oasis. I am really proud on our little Slovenia. On our artists who are just enjoying what they are doing. Because we don't care of naturalistic or Japanese style, because we don't care who will be in the spot light at the stage, because we don't care who gets the award, we just enjoy the award together, because we just step together and together we can do such things as we did this weekend - we can organize one of the biggest bonsai events in the Europe. And because we care only about the trees!
Spoznal sem, da v bistvu ni države, v kateri bonsaisti ne bi bili razdeljeni na klane, bili med sabo na smrt sprti in se prepirali kdo edini na tem svetu ima prav in kdo je butec. Razen ene male oaze sredi tega razburkanega morja. Zato sem še bolj ponosen na našo malo Slovenijo. Na slovenske bonsajiste, ki zgolj uživamo v tem, kar delamo. Ker nam ni mar ne za naravni ali japonski slog, ker nam ni mar za to, kdo bo bolj blestel na odru, ker nam ni mar za to, kdo dobi nagrado, ampak se je z njim vsi veselimo, ker skupaj poprimemo za delo in znamo s skupnimi močmi napraviti to, kar smo pretekli konec tedna - organizirati enega največjih bonsajskih dogodkov v Evropi. In zato, ker nam je mar edino za drevesa!
P.S.: Roland, I am also proud of you, you did a great job!
P.S.: Roland, ponosen sem tudi nate, dobro si se odrezal!
Together we can do a great things!
4 komentarji:
Except one little oasis. I am really proud on our little Slovenia. On our artists who are just enjoying what they are doing. Because we don't care of naturalistic or Japanese style, because we don't care who will be in the spot light at the stage, because we don't care who gets the award, we just enjoy the award together, because we just step together and together we can do such things as we did this weekend - we can organize one of the biggest bonsai events in the Europe. And because we care only about the trees!
Well said my friend! And proud you should be, you guy's did a great job! And please stay true to your heart! Well don!
Hans van Meer.
Thanks, my friend!
Tomaz! You made a realy great work! For the Hungarian team was a very nice and good experience. For us, this was the first EBA Convention as exhibitor. We like it very much. We would like to say thanks for every slovenian bonsai people for the kind hospitaliti and your friendship!
Greating from Budapest!
Balázs Tóth-Szabó
Thanks Balazs! See you out-there somewhere!
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