nedelja, 9. februar 2014


Aleš is one of the oldest members of the Tora bonsai school, but certainly among those who have the greatest desire to create trees. In one year, in which he regularly attended school, he improved well, he brought hawthorn in the studio this time and started a new project.
Aleš je eden najstarejših članov bonsajske šole Tora, po stažu sicer med mlajšimi, a gotovo med tistimi, ki imajo največ želje po ustvarjanju z drevesi. V letu dni, od kar se redno udeležuje šole, je lepo napredoval; tokrat je v atelje prinesel glog in začel nov projekt.
It is a normal material from the edge of the road, without movement, even tapering is not exactly a best one. After analyzing the decision was clear - stayling in the broom style.
Gre za običajen materijal z roba ceste, brez gibanja, tudi ožanja ni ravno veliko. Po analizi je bila odločitev jasna - oblikovanje v slogu metle.
Aleš worked with power-tools on the cuts, then concentrated on wiring and set bonsai future for this tree. In this growing season the crown will be constantly under control, so that branches would not be too thick, ultimately crown will be slightly bigger and  higher, and of course much more ramificated. The tree will be repoted in the first bonsai pot in the spring of 2015.
Aleš je obdelal tudi reze, se nato lotil žičenja in drevesu določil bonsajsko prihodnost. V tej rastni sezoni bo krošnja ves čas pod nadzorom, da se veje ne bi preveč debelile, v končni fazi bo krošnja nekoliko večja, predvsem višja in seveda veliko bolj razvejana. Prva bonsajska posoda bo prišla na vrsto spomladi 2015.
Miha brought his product to the atelier. Fantastic table, which is currently still in the rough stage of construction, will be fine sanded and painted, but for now I can only say: Miha - congratulations! Really exceptional craftsman skill ! Wau!
Miha je prinesel pokazat svoj izdelek. Fantastična mizica, ki je sedaj sicer še v grobi fazi izdelave, potrebno bo še fino brušenje in barvanje, ampak že zdaj lahko Mihu za izdelek samo čestitam! Res izjemna rokodelska spretnost! Wau!


1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Miza je vrhunska. Klobuk dol.