četrtek, 6. november 2014


This is a story about another Juniperus virginiana, most common juniper used in gardens and streets as green barriers or something like that. So material is easy to find. Virginiana is of course never going to be as fine as Itoigawa variety, one can't gain such a definition wit Virginiana as with Itoigawa. And there is also a problem with fungus. But nevertheless It is a nice material to work with. Tomaž R. came to atelier two years ago with such material. He wanted a tall tree, so we made one :-)!
To je zgodba o še enem Virginijskem brinu, vrsti, kije zelo pogosta v vrtovih in po ulicah za ozelenjevanje itn. Materijal je torej relativno dostopen. Virginiana seveda ne bo nikoli tako dobra kot Itoigawa, z Virginijskim brinom se nikoli ne da doseč takšne definicije, kot z itoigawo. In tu je tudi težava z gobo. Kljub vsemu pa je to dober materijal. Tomaž R. je pred dvema letoma prišel v atelje s takim materijalom. Želel si je visoko drevo, pa sva ga naredila :-)!
Juniperus virginiana, 2012
After two seasons tree returned to shop. As one can see at photo below, the tree grow a lot, the wire was cut off, juniper needed a new styling. Because the top has all sorts of problems I sugested to owner a lower tree. And this time he agreed! :-)
Po dveh sezonah se je drevo vrnilo v delavnico. Kot lahko vidite na spodnji sliki, je drevo lepo pognali, bilo je razžičeno in potrebovalo je novo oblikovanje. Ker je bilo z vrhom veliko težav sem Tomažu predlagal nižje drevo in tokrat se je strinjal! :-)

Juniperus virginiana, November 2014
So we made the plan, and Tomaž started to work. He cut the top off, we turned it in to ten-jin, then he wired all the branches. One side branch we turned in to a new top.

Napravila sva načrt in Tomaž se je lotil dela. Odrezal je stari vrh, oblikovala sva ga v ten-džin, potem je ožičil vse veje. Eno stransko vejo sva oblikovala v nov vrh.

Tomaž working, Aleš supervising :-)
Juniper wired up, and prepared for re-styling

Juniper virginiana, after re-styling
We ended with a much more compact and atractive tree wich has a good future. If it'll only avoid fungus infection!
Rezultat je veliko bolj kompaktno in atraktivno drevo z lepo prihodnostjo. Če se bo le izognilo okužbi z gljivo!
Juniper virginiana, before - after, November 2014
Meanwhile the first apprentice of TORA international school, Gašper, works hard. He re-styled a neglected spruce for our customer. He did a great job, only needed one or two advices and corrections. He is really tallented and he improves his skills fast.
Med tem Gašper še naprej trdo dela. Preoblikoval je zanemarjeno smreko za eno od strank. Opravil je dobro delo, le enkrat ali dvakrat je potreboval nasvet ali popravek. Res je talentiran in hitro napreduje.

Spruce before

Gašper working

 Spruce after

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