nedelja, 9. november 2014


Tora international bonsai school organizes excursions for our students too. This time we went to Florence, Italy. Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe organized its bienal exhibition, Sakka-Ten, Autumn trees. One can read on their web-pages all about rules and standards. This time there were a little less trees then I expected, also the exhibition room was somehow small, but nevertheless there were some excellent bonsai trees. Here are some photos from this really nice event: 
Bonsajska šola Tora za študente organizira tudi ekskurzije. Tokrat smo se odpravili v Firence. Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe je organiziral bienalno razstavo, Sakka-Ten, jesenska drevesa. Na njihovi spletni strani si lahko preberete vse o pravilih in standardih. Tokrat je bilo na policah nekoliko manj dreves, kot sem pričakoval, tudi razstavni prostor je bil nekoliko premajhen. Vseeno pa je bilo nekaj razstavljenih dreves vrhunskih. Tu je nekaj fotografij s tega res lepega dogodka:


I especially liked this spruce (Picea abies):
Zelo mi je bila všeč tale smreka (Picea abies):
Infront of exhibition room, on the square in the middle of Fiesole above the Florence, one could find some traders. Many times I am surprised about prices, because this days one rarelly can find fair pricess of trees, pots and tools. I still don't know why a neglected sohin Cryptomeria with bad nebari and almost no tappering should cost 1000 eur and why some scissors, even though special, have 600 eur price-tag on it ... But obviously traders still can find a people which buys such things ... 
Pred razstavnim prostorom, na trgu sredi Fiesola nad Firencami, je bilo zbranih neka jprofajalcev. Velikokrat me cene presenetijo, saj dandanes človek redko naleti na poštene cene za drevesa, posode in orodje. Še vedno mi ni jasno, zakaj bi  morala znemarjena Cryptomeria šohin velikosti, z slabim nebarijem in skoraj brezu ožanja stati 1000 eur in zakaj bi moral neke škarje, pa čeprav posebne, imeti na sebi ceno 600 eur ... Toda očitno prodajalci še vedno najdejo ljudi, ki to kupujejo ...

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