ponedeljek, 18. maj 2015


Since I am living in a temperate climate, I don't work on tropic species. This tiger-bark ficus (Ficus retusa) is an exemption, is the only one I have. I work on this tree from 2007. I bought it at Crespi bonsai as material and since then constantly working on crown. I defoliate it once a year; this time Gašper did it instead of me ... :-)

Ker ne živim v tropih, se ne ukvarjam s tropskimi vrstami. Ta fikus (Ficus retusa) je izjema in edini, ki ga imam. Na drevesu delam od leta 2007, ko sem ga kupil pri Crespiju. Od takrat nenehno dlam na krošnji. Enkrat na leto ga razlistam; tokrat ga je namesto mene razlistal Gašper ... :-)

Gašper and Marko cuting leaves 

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Ficus after defoliation

Ramification is great

Detail of right branch

This is how Ficus looked in January 2008

And this is how it looks today, after 7 yrs of work

To achieve such result in temperate climate is quite an achievement. We have only 5 months of growth, then Ficus is relocated inside, where trough winter it suffers luck of sun and moister. But with a lot of care and proper work one can enjoy the tropical tree also in our climate!

Takšen rezultat v naši klimi je odličen dosežek. Imamo le 5 mesecev rastne sezone, potem je fikus prenešen noter, kjer čez zimo trpi pomanjkanje sonca in vlage. Toda z veliko skrbi in pravim delom se tudi v naši klimi da uživati v tropskem drevesu!

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