I spent this Saturday in ancient city of Arco, near Garda Lake, Italy. We were invited there to do a demo as part of Trofeo Arco Bonsai. I love the city and beautiful surroundings, also the exhibition is nice, so I was happy to come back to this event.
To soboto sem preživel v starodavnem mestu Arco ob Gardskem jezeru. Tja smo bili povabljeni, da bi kot del prireditve Trofeo Arco Bonsai, opravili demonstracijo. Mesto in okolica mi je zelo všeč, tudi razstava je vedno dobra, tako da sem se z veseljem vrnil na ta dogodek.
(Photo: Evelina)
(Photo: Evelina)
For the demo I choose the old Pinus sylvestris from Miha's collection. Pine was already well prepared before the demo. I closely studied the tree in the atelier, and then made the sketch. Because the tree has only one long branch with green mass far from old trunk, there were not many solutions. I decided to bring the green mass above the nebari and compact the tree.
Za demonstracijo sem izbral star rdeči bor (Pinus sylvestris) iz Mihatove zbrike. Že pred demotom je bilo drevo dobro pripravljeno. V ateljeju sem drevo dodobra preštudiral in nato narisal skico. Ker ima bor samo eno dolgo vejo z zeleno maso daleč stran od starega debla, rešitev ni bilo ravno veliko. Odločil sem se, da zeleno maso pripeljem nad nebari in skompaktiram drevo.
Pinus sylvestris, before the demo - possible front
Pinus sylvetsris, before the demo - slightly different angle
The sketch
So I took the tree to the Arco and start the work. Gašper from TORA International bonsai school was my assistant, Nik Rozman from Nik Art also joined us, and together we made a nice demo and spent some great time together!
Drevo sem torej odpeljal v Arco in delo se je začelo. Gašper iz šole TORA je bil moj pomočnik, pridružil se nama je tudi Nik in skupaj smo naredili dober demo in preživeli krasen dan skupaj!
This is how the pine looked at the start of the demo (Photo: Evelina)
Making a precise plan! (Photo: Evelina)
First, after applying the raffia, we bring the long branch up and above the nebari. We used some special tools, and everything went smooth.
Najprej, potem ko smo navili rafijo, smo dolgo vejo zvili navzgor in nad nebari. Uporabili smo nekaj posebnega orodja in vse je šlo kot po maslu.
Applaying raffia (Photo: Peter Rozman)
Bringing the branch up with special tool (Photo: Evelina)
Close-up (Photo: Evelina)
In next phase we bend the branch down, to bring the green mass lower. Then was just a matter of time to compact the tree and style a nice crown.
V naslednji fazi smo vejo zvili navzdol, da smo zeleno maso pripeljali nižje. Potem je bilo samo še vprašanje časa, kdaj bomo drevo skompaktirali in oblikovali lepo krošnjo.
In this phase we bend the branch down (Photo: Evelina)
The result was exactly as expected, incredibly similar to sketch. This is not often the case, because trees can surprised and many times one must adjust the plan. But not this time!
Rezultat je bil natančno tak, kot sem pričakoval, neverjetno podoben skici. To ni tako pogosto, saj znajo drevesa večkrat presenetiti in velikokrat je treba načrt prilagajati. Toda ne tokrat!
Result after the demo
Tree has a fantastic turtle-like old bark
Again - pine before ...
... and after the demo. The final result for now!
The make-over, the first styling is great, now the tree has a bright future!
Preobrazba, prvo oblikovanje je dobro uspelo, drevo ima zdaj svetlo prihodnost!
2 komentarja:
wooo, čist noro, da se da res tolk spremenit drevo
Da, s pravimi in pravilnimi tehnikami se da marsikaj. Največkrat je omejitev zgolj naša domišljija.
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