ponedeljek, 29. junij 2015


For all of you, who don't like facebooks, blogs ... etc. we published a new homepage. You can find some basic informations about our school also there.

Za vse, ki ne marate facebookov, blogov .. itd. je tu nova spletna stran. Nekaj osnovnih informacij o naši šoli lahko najdete tudi tam.

torek, 23. junij 2015


Time is extremely important dimension in bonsai art. Only with time trees can show their full potential. Even not-so-promising material can improve much with time. This is one of examples: this thin Pinus sylvestris was styled in 2010 in Warshaw. It reacted well and in spring 2012 was already re-potted in to nice bonsai pot.

Čas je v bonsajizmu izjemno pomembna dimenzija. Samo s časom lahko drevesa dosežejo poln potencial. Celo ne preveč obetajoča drevesa lahko s časom zelo pridobijo. To je eden od primerov: tanek rdeči bor je bil oblikovan leta 2010 v Varšavi. Reagiral je zelo dobro in spomladi 2012 je bil že posajen v lepo bonsajsko posodo.

Pinus sylvestris 2010 - before first styling

Pinus sylvestris 2010 - after first styling

2011 - reacted well

2012 - re-potted in to nice pot

I was not satisfied with back branch and it takes almost two years to find the right position: in September 2013 pine reached it's current shape.

Z zadnjo vejo nisem bil zadovoljen in za to, da sem našel pravo pozicijo, sem potreboval skoraj dve leti: septembra 2013 je bor dosegel sedanjo obliko.

Jun 2013 - not setisfied with back branch

September 2013 - position of back branch finaly found

In 2014 was already shown on couple of exhibitions; nevertheless the needles were still too long and definition can be improved.

Leta 2014 je že bil razstavljen na eni ali dveh razstavah; ne glede na to, iglice so bile še vedno dolge in definicija krošnje še ne najboljša.

Then the accident with broken pot occurred and pine was re-potted in to current pot which don't suit it as good as old one. But the needles are shorter and definition is already good. 

Potem se je zgodila nesreča z razbito posodo in bor je bil presajen v sedanjo posodo, ki mu ne pristoji tako dobro, kot stara. Toda iglice so krajše in definicija že dobra.

Pinus sylvestris, Jun 2015

Next year it will be re-potted in to better pot and in few years the definition of the crown will be even better. Nevertheless - it already came a long way from 2010! 

Naslednje leto bo presajen v boljšo posodo in v nekaj letih bo definicija krošnje še boljša. Kljub vsemu - od leta 2010 do danes je napravil lep napredek.

četrtek, 11. junij 2015


I always admired sturdy old hollow trunks of Japanese apricot - Prunus mume. I was attracted with fantastically old trunks even more then with it's flowers.
Od nekdaj sem občudoval zdelana, votla debla Japonskih marelic - Prunus mume. Fantastična stara debla so me privlačila še bolj kot cvetovi.
Source: flickr.com

Source: flickr.com
But already in my first bonsai-years I discovered, that there is species native to our territory, which has almost the same character as Prunus mume - Prunus mahaleb. At Karst one can find super-old hollow trees with fantastic bark which are incredible similar to those trees admired in Japanese books. Yes, of course, Prunus mahaleb has smaller flowers, but I am talking here about character of the tree. So here is one example of Prunus mahaleb, collected and styled by Miha Medveššek, member of TORA international bonsai school:
Toda že zgodaj v mojih bonsajskih letih se odkril, da imamo tudi domačo vrsto, ki ima skoraj povsem enak karakter kot Prunus mume - Prunus mahaleb. Na Krasu se da najti zelo stara, votla drevesa s fantastično skorjo, ki so neverjetno podobna drevesom, ki jih občudujemo v japonskih knjigah. Seveda ima rešelika manjše cvetove, toda govorim o karakterju drevesa. Tu je primer rešelike, ki jo je izkopal in oblikoval Miha Medvešek, član šole TORA:

Prunus mahaleb, March 2013
Above you can see 100yrs old tree as arrived to atelier. In just one year tree developed very good: is already in bonsai pot and after defoliation and last wiring is already showing it's potential. Who needs Japanese Prunus mume? :-)
Zgoraj lahko vidite 100-letno drevo, ko je prvič prišlo v atelje. V samo enem letu se je zelo dobro razvilo: je že v bonsajski posodi in po defoliaciji in žičenju že kaže svoj potencial. Kdo še potrebuje japonske Prunus mume? :-)

Miha adjusting branches on his Prunus mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb, Jun 2015
Detail of hollow trunk
Also upper part of trunk is hollow and very old

Prunus mahaleb, Jun 2015, white background

torek, 9. junij 2015


As new students coming to the atelier, many times I hear that he or she will do bonsai only for his or her own pleasure and that exhibiting trees is not his or her goal. But I think that art is communication. If you don't communicate, it isn't art, and if there's no one to communicate to, it isn't really art in the same sense, and it is meaningless. Untill one has nothing to show, than that atitude is understandable, but in one point, when results of work are good, then the artist always want to show his or her piece.
Ko v atelje prihajajo novi študentje, velikokrat slišim, da se bodo z bonsajem ukvarjali zgolj zase in da jih razstavljanje dreves ne zanima. Toda jaz mislim, da je umetnost komuniciranje. Če ne komuniciraš, če ničesar ne sporočaš, potem to ni umetnost in če ni nikogar s komer bi komuniciral, potem to prav tako ni umetnost in pravzaprav nima smisla. Dokler nekdo nima česa pokazati, je takšen odnos razumljiv. Toda potem, ko so rezultati dela že dobri, potem umetnik vedno želi pokazati svoje delo. 
One of TORA intenational bonsai school student after basic workshop
Results in bonsai are not instant. Bonsai is process of developing the masterpiece and for that time is needed. The process is finalised with preparation of the trees before the exhibition and it is very important. Of course only the trees in good health and form are exhibited.
Rezultati v bonsaju niso takojšnji. Bonsaj je proces, razvoj mojstrovine potrebuje čas. Ta proces je dokončan s pripravo drevesa na razstavo, ki je zelo pomembna. Seveda razstavljamo samo zdrava in drevesa v formi.
Gašper, TORA apprentice, preparing trees for exhibition in Hallein

Spruce is prepared for exhibition for the first time

Juniper is in great form
Juniper admired at the exhibition in Hallein. Isn't this all about it?

Gašper and Miha preparing Miha's Acer for exhibition

Moss and nice surface is also very important


The same tree in exhibition in Hallein
So, this past weekend we attend international exhibition in Hallein, Austria. Exhibition was held in an old salt-warehouse, this was a fantastic venue with some great trees. The exhibition was set by Valentin Brose. I was especially impressed by some spruces. Picea abies is very challenging species, and it was nice to see few of them in good form on exhibition shelves.
Ta konec tedna smo se udeležili razstave v Halleinu v Avstriji. Razstava je bila v starem skladišču soli, ki je bilo odlično prizorišče z nekaj lepimi drevesi. Razstavo je postavil Valentin Brose. Največji vtis so name napravile smreke. Picea abies je za bonsaj zahtevna vrsta in lepo je bilo videti nekaj primerkov v dobri formi na razstavnih policah.

Near to the entrance the organisers put some flowering azaleas, the salt was great background!

Picea abies by Reiner Wolf. Maybe it needs a litle more definition, but nevertheless this is a great tree

Picea abies by Andreas Holzer. Nice, elegant composition
Cascading Picea abies by Helmut Bachman. The tree is already very mature

Usually at the exhibitions the best trees and winners are declared. But not in Hallein. Because there was no competition the atmosphere was even nicer!
Običajno na razstavah razglasijo najboljša drevesa in zmagovalce. Toda ne v Halleinu. Ker ni bilo tekmovanja je bilo ozračje še boljše!