torek, 23. junij 2015


Time is extremely important dimension in bonsai art. Only with time trees can show their full potential. Even not-so-promising material can improve much with time. This is one of examples: this thin Pinus sylvestris was styled in 2010 in Warshaw. It reacted well and in spring 2012 was already re-potted in to nice bonsai pot.

Čas je v bonsajizmu izjemno pomembna dimenzija. Samo s časom lahko drevesa dosežejo poln potencial. Celo ne preveč obetajoča drevesa lahko s časom zelo pridobijo. To je eden od primerov: tanek rdeči bor je bil oblikovan leta 2010 v Varšavi. Reagiral je zelo dobro in spomladi 2012 je bil že posajen v lepo bonsajsko posodo.

Pinus sylvestris 2010 - before first styling

Pinus sylvestris 2010 - after first styling

2011 - reacted well

2012 - re-potted in to nice pot

I was not satisfied with back branch and it takes almost two years to find the right position: in September 2013 pine reached it's current shape.

Z zadnjo vejo nisem bil zadovoljen in za to, da sem našel pravo pozicijo, sem potreboval skoraj dve leti: septembra 2013 je bor dosegel sedanjo obliko.

Jun 2013 - not setisfied with back branch

September 2013 - position of back branch finaly found

In 2014 was already shown on couple of exhibitions; nevertheless the needles were still too long and definition can be improved.

Leta 2014 je že bil razstavljen na eni ali dveh razstavah; ne glede na to, iglice so bile še vedno dolge in definicija krošnje še ne najboljša.

Then the accident with broken pot occurred and pine was re-potted in to current pot which don't suit it as good as old one. But the needles are shorter and definition is already good. 

Potem se je zgodila nesreča z razbito posodo in bor je bil presajen v sedanjo posodo, ki mu ne pristoji tako dobro, kot stara. Toda iglice so krajše in definicija že dobra.

Pinus sylvestris, Jun 2015

Next year it will be re-potted in to better pot and in few years the definition of the crown will be even better. Nevertheless - it already came a long way from 2010! 

Naslednje leto bo presajen v boljšo posodo in v nekaj letih bo definicija krošnje še boljša. Kljub vsemu - od leta 2010 do danes je napravil lep napredek.

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