As new students coming to the atelier, many times I hear that he or she will do bonsai only for his or her own pleasure and that exhibiting trees is not his or her goal. But I think that art is communication. If you don't communicate, it isn't art, and if there's no one to communicate to, it isn't really art in the same sense, and it is meaningless. Untill one has nothing to show, than that atitude is understandable, but in one point, when results of work are good, then the artist always want to show his or her piece.
Ko v atelje prihajajo novi študentje, velikokrat slišim, da se bodo z bonsajem ukvarjali zgolj zase in da jih razstavljanje dreves ne zanima. Toda jaz mislim, da je umetnost komuniciranje. Če ne komuniciraš, če ničesar ne sporočaš, potem to ni umetnost in če ni nikogar s komer bi komuniciral, potem to prav tako ni umetnost in pravzaprav nima smisla. Dokler nekdo nima česa pokazati, je takšen odnos razumljiv. Toda potem, ko so rezultati dela že dobri, potem umetnik vedno želi pokazati svoje delo.
One of TORA intenational bonsai school student after basic workshop
Results in bonsai are not instant. Bonsai is process of developing the masterpiece and for that time is needed. The process is finalised with preparation of the trees before the exhibition and it is very important. Of course only the trees in good health and form are exhibited.
Rezultati v bonsaju niso takojšnji. Bonsaj je proces, razvoj mojstrovine potrebuje čas. Ta proces je dokončan s pripravo drevesa na razstavo, ki je zelo pomembna. Seveda razstavljamo samo zdrava in drevesa v formi.
Gašper, TORA apprentice, preparing trees for exhibition in Hallein
Spruce is prepared for exhibition for the first time
Juniper is in great form
Juniper admired at the exhibition in Hallein. Isn't this all about it?
Gašper and Miha preparing Miha's Acer for exhibition
Moss and nice surface is also very important

The same tree in exhibition in Hallein
So, this past weekend we attend international exhibition in Hallein, Austria. Exhibition was held in an old salt-warehouse, this was a fantastic venue with some great trees. The exhibition was set by Valentin Brose. I was especially impressed by some spruces. Picea abies is very challenging species, and it was nice to see few of them in good form on exhibition shelves.
Ta konec tedna smo se udeležili razstave v Halleinu v Avstriji. Razstava je bila v starem skladišču soli, ki je bilo odlično prizorišče z nekaj lepimi drevesi. Razstavo je postavil Valentin Brose. Največji vtis so name napravile smreke. Picea abies je za bonsaj zahtevna vrsta in lepo je bilo videti nekaj primerkov v dobri formi na razstavnih policah.
Near to the entrance the organisers put some flowering azaleas, the salt was great background!
Picea abies by Reiner Wolf. Maybe it needs a litle more definition, but nevertheless this is a great tree
Picea abies by Andreas Holzer. Nice, elegant composition
Cascading Picea abies by Helmut Bachman. The tree is already very mature
Usually at the exhibitions the best trees and winners are declared. But not in Hallein. Because there was no competition the atmosphere was even nicer!
Običajno na razstavah razglasijo najboljša drevesa in zmagovalce. Toda ne v Halleinu. Ker ni bilo tekmovanja je bilo ozračje še boljše!
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