torek, 18. avgust 2015


I can't understand such attitude, but it is true: in my garden one can find forgotten trees. Customers bring them to atelier for refinement, for vacation or for any other reasons - and then never come back. Trees live in my garden for one, two, even more years, waiting for their owners. But they don't appear. What to do with such trees? Are they mine after two years of care and work, or they still belong to former owners even they don't find time to come and pick them up?
This small commercial juniper is one of them. More then two years after it's owner left it in my garden I decided to style it and put it on sale. Gašper, TORA international school apprentice, did great job!
Takšnega odnosa sicer ne razumem, a je vendar res: v mojem vrtu lahko najdete pozabljena drevesa. Stranke jih prinesejo v atelje na oblikovanje, na počitnice ali zaradi kakšnega drugega razloga - in se nikoli ne vrnejo ponje. Drevesa živijo v mojem vrtu eno, dve, celo več let, čakajoč na svoje lastnike. Toda le-ti se ne prikažejo. Kaj naj napravim s takšnimi drevesi? Ali so po dveh letih skrbi in dela moja, ali so še vedno v lasti bivših lastnikov, pa čeprav ti ne najdejo časa, da bi prišli ponje?
Tale mali, komercialni brinček je eden od njih. Več kot dve leti potem, ko ga je njegov lastnik pustil v mojem vrtu, sem se odločil, da ga oblikujem in dam na prodaj. Gašper, študent šole TORA, je opravil dobro delo! 


The result is tender, neat tree; now it also needs a new pot. If the owner does not appear in the next week or two, the tree will be available.
Rezultat je nežno, vitko drevo; zdaj potrebuje tudi novo posodo. Če se lastnik ne bo pojavil v tednu ali dveh, bo drevo na voljo!

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