torek, 11. avgust 2015


This big pine (Pinus sylvestris) was collected in local hills in spring 2008. After five years in plastic container and after no one was interested to buy it, I decided to style it by myself. First rough styling was done in October 2013. As always at such material the main problem were leggy branches, but the bark is fantastic. There are also many other interesting details.
Ta velik rdeč bor je bil izkopan spomladi leta 2008 v lokalnih hribih. Po petih letih v plastičnem kontejnerju in potem, ko ga nihče ni htel kupiti, sem se odločil, da ga oblikjem sam. Prvo grobo oblikovanje je bilo opravljeno oktobra 2013. Kot vedno pri takem materijalu so bile največji problem razpotegnjene veje, toda lubje je fantastično. Tu je tudi ogromno drugih zanimivih podrobnosti.
Starting material, October 2013

First rough styling

Great bark with many details

Trunks are root-connected, this is actually a raft

Sign of health
This spring the tree was re-potted in to first bonsai pot. I was struggling to find such a big pot, but I was lucky to found it at Rajko's place. It is Chinese red-clay pot, nothing special, but for now it is OK.
To pomlad je bilo drevo presajeno v prvo bonsajsko posodo. Težko sem našel tako veliko posodo, na srečo sem jo našel pri Rajkotu. Je kitajska neglazirana posoda, nič posebnega, a za zdaj je dobra.
Pine in first bonsai pot, before styling, August 2015
August is right time to work on Pines. Gašper, TORA bonsai school apprentice, worked hard on this one. We cut the old wire and We also cut all old needles to balance the growth and started to wire again.
Avgust je pravi čas za tovrstno delo na borih. Gašper, študent TORE, je opravil veliko delo. Porezala sva staro žico in vse stare iglice, da sva uravnotežila energijo. Potem sva se lotila novega žičenja.
Gašper started to work imidiatly
And he worked a lot ...

Detail on the middle trunk

Pinus sylvestris, August 2015
Now the pine is in refinement state. Some years of work on details and I'll be happy with outcome. I am not planning to exhibit this tree because is too big. But it will be a nice piece for my garden ...
Zdaj je bor v fazi, ko bom začel z delom na podrobnostih. Nekaj let dela na detajlih in zadovoljen bom z rezultatom. Tega drevesa ne načrtujem razstavljati, ker je preveliko. Bo pa lep primerek v mojem vrtu ...

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