četrtek, 26. november 2015


One can awake so many feelings with bonsai. Spruce in this article is a powerfull old survivor, which is telling us about years of storms, winds, cold, snowy winters and most of all, why is important to survive ... Aleš, who bring this spruce to atelier, is by age the oldest student of TORA school. Many times he talks about his collecting trips and how he enjoys them. How he feels invigorated after hours of hiking in great nature - it doesn't matter if he collects some trees or not.
Z bonsaji lahko vzbudimo toliko občutkov. Smreka iz tega članka je močna stara borka, ki nam pripoveduje o letih viharjev, vetrov, mraza, snega, a predvsem nam pripoveduje, zakaj jepomembno preživeti ... Aleš, ki je prinesel to smreko v atelje, je po letih najstarejši študent šole TORA. Velikokrat pripoveduje o svojih izletih, na katerih išče drevesa, in kako pri tem uživa. Kako se po urah hoje v krasni naravi počuti poživljenega - pa ni važno, ali kaj izkoplje ali ne. 
Aleš Krmelj working on spruce

Spruce as arrived in to atelier
This spruce is quite big; and as all such spruces it demands A LOT of wiring. This was the main task, but first we closely inspected the crown to see what is hiding inside.
Ta smreka je kar velika. In kot vse take smreke zahteva VELIKO žičenja. To je bila tudi glavna naloga, toda še prej smo pazljivo preučili krošnjo, da smo videli, kaj se skriva v njej.
Spruce, black background

Aleš spent many hours wiring alone ...

... or in company with other students
One of the options was to go with three crowns, but soon enough we decided to go just with two, because we want to expose some interesting details on this old tree and not cover everything with green.
Ena od opcij je celo bila, da bi uporabili tri krošnje, pa smo se kmalu premislili in smo uporabili le dve, saj smo hoteli poudariti zanimive podrobnosti na drevesu in ne vsega prekriti z zelenjem.
Detail of the point, where naturally bended branch is conected with trunk

Firts rough styling
After many hours of work the first styling is finished. The result is great and the tree has an even greater future. It has nice nebari, the main feature is of course naturaly bended branch turned in to second crown, with natural dead-wood. The tree tells us a story: once I stand tall, but lightning take off my top. So instead of that, I created a crown from my oldest branch. But I must also balance my trunk, so I produced another crown a little higher; this is now my real top ... Years of storms, winds, cold, snowy winters in the mountains also left a lot of scars on my bark ...
Po urah dela je prvo oblikovanje končano. Rezultat je dober in drevo ima lepo prihodnost. Ima dober nebari, glavna zanimivost pa je gotovo naravno zvita veja, spremenjena v drugo krošnjo, z naravnim mrtvim lesom. Drevo nam pripoveduje zgodbo: Nekoč sem bila visoka, toda strela mi je odbila vrh. Tako sem bila primorana v nov vrh spremeniti mojo najstarejšo vejo. Toda morala sem tudi uravnovesiti moje deblo, zato sem nekoliko višje pognala še eno krošnjo; ta je zdaj moj pravi vrh ... Leta neviht, vetrov, mraza in snega v hribih so na moji skorji pustila veliko brazgotin ...
Then we brought the branch closer to the trunk with guy wire
Also the top of the second crown was the brought closer with another guy wire. This is the final image, for now of course!

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