sobota, 11. junij 2016


Pinus mugo is not my favorite species of pines. I prefer to work on Pinus sylvestris because one can gain more definition on them. High mountain pines (Mugo) will always look a little uncombed and sturdy. But nevertheless, mugo pines are among great species for bonsai. This particular one has been collected out of the concrete block in the city. Tomaž R. was the collector and he took care of the tree for two years afterwards. In October 2014 he brought the tree to the TORA studio and after inspection we set the plan: first we had to set the main line of the trunk as it was completely straight.

Ruševje ni moja najljubša vrsta bora. Raje delam na rdečih borih, ker lahko na njih dosežemo boljšo definicijo. Gorski bor (Pinus mugo) bo vedno izgledal nekoliko nepočesan in grčav. A vseeno ruševje sodi med odlične vrste za bonsaj. Tale iz naše zgodbe prihaja iz betonskega korita v mestu. Izkopal ga je Tomaž R. in naslednji dve leti tudi skrbel zanj. Oktobra 2014 ga je prinesel v TORA atelje in po analizi smo naredili načrt: najprej smo morali narediti glavno linijo debla, saj je bil ta popolnoma raven.

Pinus mugo, October 2014 before start of work

Pinus mugo, October 2014, after bending the trunk

Everything went OK, and the first step on the tree was completed. After two years of recovery, we removed all the wires and rafia, the trunk stood in set position. Now second step can begin. Gašper cut the old needles and cleaned some jins, then we made the selection of branches. I wired them all and put them into position. No detailed wiring yet, this will be done in third step next year.

Vse se je izšlo brez težav in prvi korak je bil končan. Po dveh letih smo odstranil vso žico in rafijo in deblo je obstalo v poziciji. Zdaj se je lahko začel drugi korak. Gašper je porezal vse stare iglice in očistil nekaj džinov, potem smo napravili selekcijo vej. Vse sem ožičil in jih skrivil v pozicijo. Podrobno žičenje pride na vrsto ob tretjem koraku prihodnje leto.
Pine has a great nebari

After we removed all the wires and rafia, the line stood in position

Gašper working

Pinus mugo, Jun 2016, after second step ... to be continued

Now the skeleton of future bonsai is set. The tree has really great nebari and also movement is now good. In the future some more branches will be cut and of course, the tree will be repoted into a bonsai pot. This will become a nice bonsai in next few years!

Okostje bodočega bonsaja je zdaj postavljeno. Drevo ima zares odličen nebari in tudi gibanje je zdaj dobro. V prihodnosti bo porezanih še več vej in drevo bo seveda presajeno v bonsajsko posodo. V nekaj letih bo to lep bonsaj!

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