ponedeljek, 19. december 2016


Every year, hundreds of trees of all shapes and sizes go through our atelier. This year we lay hands on close to 300 trees, and I didn't count all the trees used for beginner's courses. All this work wouldn't be done without help of graduate Tora student Gašper Gabrijel. This album shows only a minor number of trees we worked on this season...

Vsako leto gre skozi naš atelje na stotine dreves vseh oblik in velikosti. Letos smo delali na blizu 300 drevesih in v to niso všteta tista, ki smo jih oblikovali na tečjih za začetnike. Vse to delo brez Gašperja ne bi bilo mogoče. V albumu je le manjše število dreves, na katerih smo letos delali ...

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