četrtek, 29. december 2016


This elm was collected one nice winter day just 10 months ago. Encouraged by very good experiences with this species I didn't hesitate and decided to styled it just after one growing season and set a future path of this tree. Elm has an attractive trunk line which makes it very interesting and different. And I like trees with different character! So, the first idea was to tilt the tree to the left and balance it, but closer inspection showed a weak branch which suppose to be a new top.

Ta brest je bil izkopan na lep zimski dan pred desetimi meseci. Ker imam zelo dobre izkušnje s to vrsto, se nisem obiral, temveč začel s prvim oblikovanjem že po prvi rastni sezoni in določil prihodnost tega drevesa. Brest ima atraktivno linijo debla, kar ga dela zelo zanimivega in drugačnega. In rad imam drevesa z drugačnim karakterjem! Prvotna ideja je bila nagniti drevo proti levi in ga tako uravnovesiti, toda podrobnejša analiza je razkrila šibko vejo, ki naj bi postala nov vrh.

So I came forward with another idea, very similar to the first one, but with other branches in the design. And also the position will stay more or less the same as it is in the training pot. This was my idea:

Potreboval sem torej drugačno idejo, ki pa je bila zelo podobna prvi a z drugimi vejami v dizajnu. In pozicija bo ostala bolj ali manj enaka, kot je zdaj v trening posodi. To je bila moja ideja:

So, the cutting started, I wired primary branches and set them into position. And the future bonsai started to emerge!

Rezanje se je začelo, ožičil sem primarne veje in jih postavil v pozicijo. In bodoči bonsaj se je začel kazati!

I like all the lines in trunk and branches, elegant and very dynamic character of the tree! I am looking forward to developing this tree into a nice bonsai! 

Všeč so mi vse linije debla in vej, elegantni in zelo dinamičen karakter drevesa! Veselim se razvoja tega bonsaja!

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