torek, 28. februar 2017


It is always a great pleasure to monitor a development of a tree, especially if the owner take a good care of it. This is a story about Pinus sylvestris from the Roman's collection. I saw this tree for the first time in October 2014 at one of workshops with Prekmurje group. From the distance I thought that this is a Pinus nigra: dark, harsh bark with layers and layers of flakes developed in a long time that tree grew in a tough conditions. Also character, the feeling emitted by a tree was typically Pinus nigra. Rare finding and a worthy to work on!

Vedno je užitek spremljati razvoj drevesa, še posebej, če je zanj dobro poskrbljeno. To je zgodba o rdečem boru iz Romanove zbirke. Prvič sem to drevo videl oktobra 2014 na eni izmed delavnic s Prekmursko skupino. Od daleč sem mislil, da gre za črni bor: temna, groba skorja z sloji luskin, ki so se tam nalagale dolga desetletja rasti v težkih pogojih. Tudi karakter, občutki, ki jih človek dobi ob pogledu na drevo, so bili tipični za črni bor. Redka najdba in več kot vredna obdelave!

This is the oldest photo of the tree I have: we already did some bendings with raffia, but still almost rough yamadori: October 2014

Roman working on his pine during first styling

We ran out of time that day, the sunlight was fading, so the photo after first styling is not so good. Sorry for that. But one can see what was the idea and where we want to go with this pine in the future.

Tisti dan je bil prekratek, svetlobe je zmanjkovalo, tako da fotografija prvega oblikovanja ni najboljša. Prosim za razumevanje. Toda ideja in v katero smer si želimo s tem drevesom v bodočnosti, je dovolj dobro vidna. 

After first styling, October 2014

One year later, well a little more than one year, the tree was on the table again. Meanwhile, Roman did a great job with re-potting, feeding and watering, the tree reacted extremely well, and it was really a pleasure to work on the old friend again.

Leto kasneje, no celo kakšen mesec več kot eno leto, je bilo drevo spet na mizi. Med tem je Roman poskrbel za presajanje in zelo dobro zalivanje in gnojenje; bor je reagiral izjemno dobro, tako da je bilo res užitek spet delati na starem prijatelju. 

February 2016, before second styling

A lot of new growth allowed much more refinement, we also rotate the tree for 10 degrees clockwise. Still a lot of work to do in the upcoming years, but a nice bonsai is starting to emerge.

Veliko nove rasti je dovoljevalo veliko več definicije, prav tako smo drevo zavrteli za 10 stopinj. Še veliko dela je ostalo za prihodnja leta, toda lep bonsaj se je že začel kazati. 

February 2016, after second syling

Another year passed and it was time for a complete re-wiring. Tree becoming more and more mature rather surprisingly quick, so we can expect that it will be show-ready in next two or three years. For pine that is really quick. Of course the tree needs a better pot and the aluminium wire will be changed to copper one. 

Minilo je še eno leto in prišel je čas za novo žičenje. Drevo presenetljivo hitro postaja vse bolj in bolj zrelo, tako da lahko pričakujemo, da bo za razstavo pripravljeno že v naslednjih dveh ali treh letih. Za bor je to zares hitro. Seveda drevo potrebuje boljšo posodo in aluminijasta žica bo zamenjana z bakreno. 
Roman and Gašper working on pine during the last re-wiring

Just some minor adjustmend more ...

And this is a result for now, February 2017

Again: two and a half years before we started with this ...

So, the care for the tree is extremely important. If the tree has everything it needs, then the development could be really fast!

Skrb za drevo je torej zelo pomembna. Če ima drevo vse, kar potrebuje, potem je razvoj lahko res zelo hiter!

nedelja, 12. februar 2017


In one of my previous post I was already writing about how different species are regarding time needed for development. Juniperus species is not quick but it isn't slow neither. This particular tree, Juniperus virginiana (some of the blue cultivars), came to my garden eight years ago as urban yamadori, collected out of a concrete block in the city. Andrej collected it a year before, then we made a trade - I gave him a Fagus sylvatica from my collection and Juniper came into my possession.

V enem od mojih prejšnjih prispevkov sem že pisal o tem, kako različne vrste potrebujejo zelo različno količino časa za razvoj. Brini niso niti hitri, niti počasni. To konkretno drevo, virginijski brin (eden od modrih kultivarjev), je v moj vrt prišlo pred osmimi leti kot urbani jamadori, izkopan iz betonskega korita v mestu. Andrej ga je izkopal eno leto prej. Potem sva napravila zamenjavo - jaz sem mu dal bukev iz moje zbirke, brin pa je postal moja last.

Juniperus virginiana, April 2008

The bonsai journey started in November 2008 at demo in Rajko's place. Since then, this tree has come a long way. In the meantime, I changed the front completely, but then returned to the original idea. Here you can see a photo journey trough all this years:

Bonsjsko potovanje se je začelo Novembra 2008 z demonstracijo pri Rajkotu. Od takrat je to drevo napravilo že dolgo pot. Vmes sem že povsem zamenjal prednjo stran, a se kasneje vrnil k originalni ideji. Tu je foto-potovanje skozi vsa ta leta:

November 2008, before demo

November 2008, after demo

Jun 2009

September 2009 - the new front

October 2012 - back to original path

Jun 2013

August 2014

August 2015

August 2016

February 2017 - ready for show?

This tree was never exhibited yet; when the tree is ready for exhibition? When its owner is! :-) With the development of the artist also his or her bonsai is a subject of more strict quality check. Eight years ago I would exhibit a far less mature trees then today. But for this particular one I felt, that the time for showing it to the public has come. So, the aluminium wire was changed with copper one and I think, you'll soon see this bonsai at some of the exhibitions!

To drevo ni bilo še nikoli razstavljeno; kdaj je drevo sploh pripravljeno na razstavljanje? Ko je pripravljen lastnik! :-) Z razvojem bonsajista je tudi njegovo ali njeno drevo podvrženo strožjim zahtevam. Osem let nazaj sem razstavljal mnogo manj zrela drevesa, kot jih danes. Toda za tega sem začutil, da je prišel čas, da ga pokažem javnosti. Aluminijasta žica je bila tako zamenjana z bakreno in bonsaj boste lahko kmalu videli na kakšni razstavi!