torek, 18. avgust 2009


Today I worked on this Picea abies for the first time since it was collected last autumn. There is good nebari hiding in bush of brunches, also tapering is nice although with minimal movement - this yamadori is promising material. For now I just cleaned all dead brunches, then I cut one of the three tops and let the light into the crown. This will help with forming a new buds. First shaping will be done at the end of the next year's summer!

Prvič po lanskem izkopu in potem, ko se je lepo vkoreninila, sem delal na smreki. V goščavju vej se skriva dober nebari, izjemno je ožanje proti vrhu, čeprav z minimalno gibanja, obeta se dober rezultat. Za zdaj je bilo dovolj le čiščenje odmrlih vej, z rezom enega od vrhov pa sem v krošnjo spustil svetlobo, ki bo pomagala pri formiranju novih brstov. Prvo oblikovanje pride na vrsto konec prihodnjega poletja!

Meanwhile Raje worked on his 'Kobayashi', he was seeking a break in his fulfilled agenda ...
Raje se je med tem ukvarjal s svojim Kobajašijem, iskal predah v natrpanem urniku ...

Then I worked on Juniperus chinensis, which find it's way into my collection more then two years ago. I cleaned it and studied its design. Of course it let me into it's secrets and showed me what design it wish. This will be a great tree already this autumn! If I will not shape it in Tora I'll use it for demonstration on Czech national exhibition. Of course I'll show the result here!

Sledil je še prvi poseg na kitajskem brinu, ki je pot v mojo zbirko našel že pred več kot dvema letoma. Tudi brin sem le očistil, porezal suhe in nekaj odvečnih vej in študiral njegov dizajn. Seveda mi je odkril svoje srivnosti in pokazal, kakšno obliko si želi. To bo vrhunsko drevo še to jesen! Če ga ne bom oblikoval ob trenutnem navdihu v Tori, ga bom morda uporabil za demosntracijo na Češkem. Rezultat seveda pokažem!

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