ponedeljek, 19. september 2011


I was in Samobor this weekend, spending some nice time with Croatian friends, Tomaž H. was my assistant this time. Croatian branch of Tora school with its tireless leader Dean is working good, we did a third workshop of bonsai-school. There were some new faces. This complicates the process of learning but increasing the number of students. Progress of those who already attended previous workshops is obvious. Now we are just waiting for better material and results will be excellent. As everytime the socializing is very important. And this time was first-class again! See you at next workshop! 

Ta konec tedna sem preživel v Samoboru v družbi prijetnih hrvaških prijateljev, vlogo asistenta je tokrat odlično opravil Tomaž H. Hrvaška podružnica Tore z neutrudnim vodjo Deanom deluje dobro, izpeljali smo tretjo delavnico bonsajske šole. Videti je bilo nekaj novih obrazov, to sicer otežuje sam proces učenja, a povečuje bazo učencev. Pri tistih, ki so se že udeležili prejšnjih delavnic je videti dober napredek. Zdaj čakamo le še na boljši materijal in rezultati bodo izvrstni. Tako kot vedno je pomembno tudi druženje. In to je bilo spet prvovrstno. Se vidimo na naslednji delavnici!

Tomaž was great assistant ...

... he documented every detail

Dean was a great host again, he is also good student

A lot of time we spent on wiring, level of wiring is better and better

Croatian Bonsai Club is a host of Tora branch

Even though materials were not first-class the results were quite good

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