There was a Wednesday again and TORA group met again at weekly session. After exciting winter months with a lot of heavy bending and major works now the time for more peaceful work on trees has arrived: defoliation, pinching, detailed wiring, work on details. Tomaž came in just to cut one single branch on his Fagus :-) . Matej defoliated one of his big Prunus trees, Miha also worked on Prunus. It did a step forward even though Miha decided not to cut the tree shorter. It has a major mistake in the middle part of the trunk. But Miha has a lot of better material still at home, so ...
Spet je bila sreda in novo redno tedensko srečanje je za nami. Po razburljivih zimskih mesecih, ko smo na veliko krivili in na drevesih opravljali večje posege, je zdaj letni čas za umirjenejše delo na drevesih: razlistanje, vršičkanje, podrobno žičenje, dela na detajlih. Tomaž je recimo prišel odrezat le eno vejo na bukvi :-). Matej je razlistal še eno od svojih mrcin, tudi Miha je delal na rešeliki. Napravila je korak naprej, čeprav se je Miha odločil, da drevesa kljub očitni napaki v srednjem delu, ne bo krajšal. Ima še veliko boljšega materijala na zlogi ...
Roland finally finished detailed wiring on his Juniperus. It was worth to wait, the result is very good!
Roland je končno dokončal podrobno žičenje na svojem brinu. Splačalo se je potruditi, rezultat je zelo dober!
I was working on one of my junipers, I cut all the back-up branches, so all the energy will be now concentrated in the crown. After one of the most important branches died off in the middle of the crown, now it is nicely full again. The shadow of new bonsai is already visible, even though it has still a long way to go ... Step by step!
Tudi jaz sem delal na enem od svojih brinov, odrezal sem mu rezervne veje, tako da bo vsa energija zdaj skoncentrirana v krošnji. Potem, ko mu je odmrla ena pomembnejših vej v sredini krošnje, je zdaj po novem žičenju spet lepo polna. Obrisi novega drevesa se kažejo, čeprav ima še dolgo pot pred sabo ... Korak za korakom!
P.S.: Yesterday Blaž took one of the junipers that was left behind by EBA new talents. There are juts 5 more, if you want one you must hurry.
P.S.: Včeraj je Blaž prišel po enega od brinov, ki jih niso pokupili novi talenti na EBA konvenciji. Samo še 5 jih je ostalo, tako da pohitite.
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