sobota, 23. junij 2012


Uroš called for help in autumn 2010 and work on the tree begun. It is an ordinary commercial ficus with grafted branches, but nevertheless it has a different potential then most of them. Even though it was in bad condition when I first saw it, I immediately recognized it's potential. Since then Uroš learned how to care for it, how to overwinter it, new leafs grew, it got a new pot and it is potted in to right substrate. After a year and a half of preparing, today the time for first styling has come.

Uroš me je jeseni 2010 poklical na pomoč in delo na drevesu je steklo. Gre za običajen komercialni fikus s potaknjenimi vejami, vseeno pa ima drugačen potencial kot večina ostalih. Kljub temu, da je bil v zelo slabem stanju, sem to opazil že na prvi pogled. Od takrat se je Uroš naučil skrbeti zanj, ga pravilno prezimiti, listi so pognali na novo, dobil je novo posodo in posajen je pravi substrat. Po letu in pol priprave je danes prišel čas za prvo resnejše oblikovanje.

Ready for work

Me and Roland went to the Štajerska region in the morning and started to work. First we must defoliated the tree, but if the tree is so big this is quite a challenge. Some carving was done to cower the grafting spots and then wiring has take place.

Z Rolandom sva se na Štajersko odpravila zgodaj dopoldne in pljunila v roke. Najprej je bilo treba drevo razlistiti, kar pri tako velikem drevesu ni mačji kašelj. Nekaj malega rezkanja, da se zabrišejo sledi rezanih vej in cepljenih mest, potem pa je prišlo na vrsti žičenje.

Roland finishing with defoliation

Uroš was happy with the result, me and Roland were satisfied with our work. Now it is clear, why some species of the ficus is also called the birch-leaved - the silhouette is very similar to the full-grown birch! It is pleasure to work on a tree cared by Uroš. Because you know, that he'll do everything he can to take a good care of the tree. That the tree will be in good condition when you'll come back and that it will do a step forward. It so different (and that is too often) when you come back and you see a tree in very bad condition and you must concentrate on saving a tree over and over again instead to concentrate on it's development.

Uroš je bil nad rezultatom navdušen, z delom sva bila zadovoljna tudi midva z Rolandom. Zdaj je jasno, zakaj se vrsti fikusa reče tudi brezolistni fikus - silhueta je povsem podobna brezi! Večletno delo na drevesu, za katerega skrbi človek, kot je Uroš, je užitek. Ker veš, da bo napravil vse, da bo drevo v dobri kondiciji. Da bo, ko se boš vrnil, drevo pokalo od zdravja in da bo lahko napravilo korak naprej! Povsem drugače (in vse prevečkrat) pa je, če se k drevesu vrneš in najdeš razdejanje, ter se moraš spet in spet posvečati reševanju drevesa in ne njegovemu napredku.

Roland and Uroš with finished tree

Work on a tree was closely monitored by flock of storks. 15 of them landed on the grassland near the house. Even the oldest residents don't remember so big flock of storks on this aria. Another good sign!

Delo na drevesu je ves čas budno spremljala jata štorkelj. Kar 15 se jih je spustilo na travnik ob hiši. Menda tudi najstarejši ne pomnijo tako velike jate štorkelj na tem območju. Še en dober znak!

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