ponedeljek, 30. december 2013


Yesterday was a special day, not only because another year of my life is completed, but also because I spent the day with trees and in company of wonderful people. In Dolina near Murska Sobota a new group of Tora bonsai-school was born, a group for all bonsai-lovers from Prekmurje region.

Roman hosted us, in a beautiful garden he hides some very good trees, they are just a step far from become supreme. In general, I was positively surprised over the quality of material and trees which new students bring to the workshop. All missing just a bit and the they will do a big leap forward in knowledge.
Včeraj je bil poseben dan; ne le zato, ker je še eno leto mojega življenja naokoli, ampak tudi, ker sem dan preživel z drevesi med čudovitimi ljudmi. V Dolini pri Murski Soboti je bila rojena nova skupina bonsajske šole Tora, skupina za vse Prekmurske ljubitelje bonsajev.
Gostil nas je Roman, v lepo urejenem vrtu se skriva nekaj zelo dobrih dreves, ki jim manjka zelo malo, da bi postala vrhunska. Na sploh sem bil prijetno presenečen nad kvaliteto materijala in drevesi, ki so jih novi študentje prinesli na delavnico. Vsem manjka zelo malo in napravili bodo velik preskok v znanju naprej.
Roman was working on a great Juniperus chinensis, we determined the future of the tree. Since it is a really good material, Roman will work on it step by step, slowly and thoughtfully. He will bring the tree up to the first objective in the next three seasons.
Roman je delal na vrhunskem kitajskem brinu, ki smo mu določili prihodnost. Ker gre za res dober materijal, bo Roman na njem delal korak za korakom, počasi in premišljeno. Do prvega cilja bo drevo pripeljal v naslednjih treh sezonah.

Tomaž, who is among the longest-serving bonsaist in the region, worked on the cultivar of red pine. Usual tree from the nursery was also the only one which experienced the full transformation. The skeleton is here, the tree will gain on quality in upcoming years, but it is clear that this will never be an excellent bonsai. Nevertheless - good job!
Tomaž, ki je med bonsajisti z najdaljšim stažem na tem koncu, je delal na kultivarju rdečega bora. Navadno drevo iz drevesnice je bilo tudi edino, ki je doživelo celotno preobrazbo. Okostje je tu; drevo bo z leti veliko pridobilo na kakovosti, jasno pa je, da to nikoli ne bo vrhunski bonsaj. Vseeno - dobro delo!
All students of Tora bonsai school and all readers of the blog I wish you all the best in 2014! I will continue to blog with new projects in the first days of the new year ...
Vsem študentom bonsajske šole Tora in vsem bralcem bloga želim vse najboljše v letu 2014! Z novimi projekti se oglasim že v prvih dneh novega leta ...

četrtek, 19. december 2013


Last night we, Miha and me, were alone in the studio, and we devoted our atention to his beech. Demanding project, demanding material. At first glance, one can not expect a good result from the tree; it has too many flaws: bad nebari, even a revers tappering at the bottom, large wounds on the trunk, not exactly ideal spaced branches.
Sinoči sva bila v ateljeju sama z Mihom in se v miru posvetila njegovi bukvi. Zahteven projekt, zahteven materijal. Na prvi pogled od drevesa ne moremo pričakovati dobrega rezultata; ima preveč pomanjkljivosti: slab nebari z obrnjenim ožanjem, veliko ran na deblu, ne ravno idealno razporejene veje.
After closer examination, however, things are a bit different. Miha will graft the Fagus in the part where the trunk is slightly bigger, this will shorten the tree and solve a big problem. If all goes according to plan, of course. This drawing is the ultimate goal for this project:

Po natančnejši analizi so stvari vendarle malce drugačne. Miha bo bukev grebeničil na delu, kjer se deblo malce razširi, s tem bo drevo znižal in rešil veliko težavo. Če bo šlo vse po načrtih seveda. Spodnja skica je končni cilj tega projekta:
Although beech is very slow in developing, the objective is possible within 5 years. Miha wired and cutted the branches at previous meetings, last night he worked on bigger cuts with power-tools and put on  the super secret Japanese paste :-).
Čeprav so bukve zelo počasne v razvoju je cilj dosegljiv v 5-ih letih. Miha je že na prejšnjih srečanjih bukev obrezal in požičil, sinoči je še strojno obdelal nekatere večje reze in jih zamazal z super skrivnostno japonsko maso :-) .

Fagus ready for styling
 Bukev pripravljena na oblikovanje
Last corrections
Še zadnji popravki

And the result of the first fase. Cloth covering the part of the tree which will be eliminated by grafting. There will be a new nebari.
In rezultat po prvi fazi. Krpa zakriva tisti del drevesa, ki ga ob grebeničenju ne bo več. Tam bo nov nebari.
Again: starting material, completed the first phase, the project goal on sketch:
In še enkrat: začetni materijal, končana prva faza, cilj projekta na skici:

četrtek, 12. december 2013


Last night in the workshop was as at carpenter's: sawdust was flying through the air, power tools have been working on full power :-) . Aleš shortened his hawthorn, Roland has completed his work on Prunus mahaleb, then he began an analysis of two Carpinus orientalis.
Sinoči je bilo v delavnici kot pri mizarju: žagovina je letela po zraku, rezkarji so delali na vso moč :-) . Aleš je krajšal glog, Roland pa dokončal delo na rešeliki, potem pa se lotil analize dveh kraških garbov (Carpinus orientalis).


Lots of new material, therefore, a lot of new projects. Obviously we will not run out of work :-)
I've done the first intervention on Prunus mahaleb, which was collected this spring. Thus early intervention one can afford only on species that are so cheerful as Prunus mahaleb: in one growing season the roots practically filled the pot, it growed well from old wood .
Veliko novega materijala torej, veliko novih projektov. Del očitno ne bo zmanjkalo :-)
Jaz sem opravil prvi poseg na rešeliki, ki je bila skopana to pomlad. Tako zgodnji poseg si lahko privoščimo le na vrstah, ki so tako radožive, kot je rešelika: v eni rastni sezoni so korenine praktično napolnile posodo, dobro je pognala iz starega lesa.
Prunus mahaleb, December 2013, starting material
Already when it was collected it was clear to me which way I'm headed: At this stage I was only concerned about the main line, which was done with cut of unattractive and to heavy branches. One branch is left to the safety of the tree, also the very top of the tree will be completely new, as the current branch is too straight. In short, now the tree show its full potential - great base, perfect narrowing and movement. Now comes the detail work on dead wood and upbringing of the main branches, which will later build the crown. Looking forward to it !
Že pri izkopu mi je bilo jasno v katero smer bom krenil: v tej fazi mi je bilo pomembno zgolj izoblikovanje glavne linije, kar sem zdaj z rezom neatraktivnih predebelih vej tudi napravil. Ena veja je še ostala za varnost drevesa, prav tako pa bo tudi vrh vzgojen čisto na novo, saj je zdajšnja veja preravna. Skratka, zdaj je drevo pokazalo ves svoj potencial - izjemno bazo, perfektno ožanje in gibanje. Zdaj pride na vrsto podrobno delo na suhem lesu in vzgoja glavnih vej, ki bodo kasneje gradile krošnjo. Se že veselim!

Two possible inclinations. The work is now on!

torek, 10. december 2013


When the one workshop gives you more knowledge as countless websites and books ... Marko and David have decided to upgrade their basic bonsai-knowledge, anyway they already experienced how difficult it is to get a good material ;-)!
Ko se na eni delavnici naučiš več, kot si se naučil ob neštetih spletnih straneh in knjigah. Marko in David sta se odločila, da svoje osnovno znanje o bonsajih nadgradita; kako težko je priti do dobrega materijala sta tako ali tako že izkusila ;-)!
David's larch will be completed in the next few days, work on Mark's Chamaeciparys will continue before the summer. For now only the first step was done: shari on the trunk and bending of the basic branches. Enough for one intervention, the tree can not be jeopardized!
David bo macesen dokončal v naslednjih dneh, delo na Markovi pacipresi pa se bo nadaljevalo pred poletjem. Za zdaj je bil napravljen prvi korak: šari na deblu in krivljenje osnovnih vej. Dovolj za en poseg, drevesa nikakor ne smemo ogroziti!

On the first workshop they already met with new techniques and concepts: raffia, working with pover tool on dead-wood, bending jins using steam ... But they only opened the box of bonsai knowledge!
Že na eni delavnici sta se srečala z novimi tehnikami in pojmi: rafija, strojno obdelovanje suhega lesa, krivljenje džinov s pomočjo pare ... Pa sta šele odprla skrinjico bonsajskega znanja!

nedelja, 8. december 2013


Welcome to newest member of Tora bonsai school!

Šola Tora pozdravlja še enega novega člana!

petek, 6. december 2013


This time the workshop was particularly well attended. Janez and Roland have shared their experience from EDA UCHI BONSAI KAI TEN, Miha has introduced a new technique of bending branches on trees with a harder wood, which he learned on his excursion to Italy. Tora Bonsai School is the true center of knowledge and exchange of experience. You are welcome!
Tokrat je bila delavnica še posebej dobro obiskana. Janez in Roland sta delila izkušnje z EDA UCHI KAI BONSAI TEN, Miha pa je predstavil novo tehniko krivljenja vej na vrstah s tršim lesom, ki jo je spoznal na svoji ekskurziji v Italiji. Bonsajska šola Tora je pravi center znanja in izmenjave izkušenj. Vabljeni!


četrtek, 28. november 2013


The main project of yesterday evening in the Tora bonsai school was Blaž's juniper. Let's look at the story: In February 2011 I was invited to Blaž's for visit and work on juniper. I was pleased to respond to the invitation, and then first met the tree. We spent quite some time to analyze and determine the future of the tree.
Osredni projekt tokratnega večera v šoli Tora je bil Blažev kitajski brin. Poglejmo zgodbo: Februarja 2011 me je Blaž povabil na druženje in delo na brinu pri njem doma. Z veseljem sem se odzval na vabilo in takrat prvič srečal drevo. Kar nekaj časa sva porabila za analizo in določanje prihodnosti.
Juniper, February 2011
For more serious work we ran out of time and then I saw the tree last time for quite some time.
Za resnejše delo je potem zmanjkalo časa in takrat sem drevo videl zadnjič za kar nekaj časa.
After first intervention
After two and a half years Blaž brought the tre in  to the studio. Meanwhile it was re-potted into an upright position, Blaž worked on dead wood and prepared the crown for styling. During this time juniper replaced stress needles with normal ones, green mass is in very good condition.
Po dveh letih in pol se je Blaž z drevesom oglasil v ateljeju. V tem času ga je presadil v pokončni položaj, delal na suhem lesu in pripravljal krošnjo na oblikovanje. Brin je med tem stresne iglice zamenjal z normalnimi, zelenje je v zelo dobrem stanju.
Juniper, November 2013, as arrived to the studio
Despite the well prepared tree work, however, lasted three days, Blaž wired all the branches and then we started to style the tree. During wiring Blaž decided to shorten the first left branch of the tree and put the dynamic movement to the right. My favorite solution was the opposite - cut right one and balancing the tree with a branch on the left - but the owner of the tree is Blaž and in Tora bonsai school the owner of the tree always has the last word ;-)
Kljub dobro pripravljenemu drevesu je delo vendarle trajalo tri dni, da je Blaž natančno ožičil vse veje in je prišlo na vrsto oblikovanje. Že med žičenjem se je blaž odločil, da skrajša prvo levo vejo in s tem drevesu dal dinamično gibanje v desno. Jaz sem sicer navijal za nasprotno - da bi odrezal desno in drevo uravnotežil z vejo na levi - a lastnik drevesa je Blaž in ta ima v Tori vedno zadnjo besedo ;-)
Blaž working
This is the result after the first styling. There is still to much branches in the crown, but Blaž will work on the definition of the crown first. And because this species is growing very fast, he will have a lot of work! In the next stage even more work on the root system must be done and re-potting in a better pot which that tree certainly deserve .
To je rezultat po prvem resnejšem oblikovanju. Na drevesu je še vedno kakšna veja preveč a najprej bo Blaž delal na definiciji krošnje. In ker ta vrsta raste zelo hitro, ga čaka veliko dela! V naslednjih fazah ga čaka tudi še delo na koreninskem sistemu in presajanje v boljšo posodo, ki si jo drevo gotovo zasluži.

Juniper after first styling, November 2013
Development February 2011 - November 2013
Tomaž also finished the first phase on his beech. He wred all branches ( also the ones which will be cut later, for training :-) ), and then styled it. Because it is a species that is very sensitive to pruning and is slow in developing, cutting was done with care. Trunk and primary branches were given a form that was planned, everything else gets a turn in the following stages. A tree has a beautiful future !
Prvo fazo je na bukvi dokončal tudi Tomaž. Ožičil je vse veje (za vajo tudi tiste, ki bodo v naslednji fazi odrezane :-) ), in na vrsto je prišlo oblikovanje. Ker gre za vrsto, ki je zelo občutljiva na obrezovanje in je počasna v razvoju, z rezanjem nismo pretiravali. Deblo in primarne veje so dobile obliko, ki je bila načrtovana, vse ostalo pride na vrsto v naslednjih fazah. A pred drevesom je lepa prihodnost!
Fagus before

Fagus after first styling

This will be the real size of the crown. (Virtual) Cutting will be done next year
Miha started a new project on a beech, Aleš worked on cedar, Gašper studied a new project - han-kengai larch !
Miha je začel nov projekt na bukvi, Aleš je delal na cedri, Gašper pa študiral nov projekt - polkaskadni macesen! 


nedelja, 24. november 2013


Yesterday we were in Maribor starting a new season of school; Simon, the organizer of the workshop, Dušan, Davorin and this time also Natasha, who has joined the Maribor group, have been working on new and old projects. Projects which step by step progress towards the ultimate goal are the sense of the school. Through various stages of development of the same tree students can learn the most.
Včeraj smo v Mariboru začeli z novo sezono šole; Simon, organizator tokratnega srečanja, Dušan, Davorin in tokrat tudi Nataša, ki se je Mariborski skupini pridružila na novo, so delali na novih in starih projektih. Predvsem projekti, ki korak za korakom napredujejo proti končnemu cilju, so smisel šole. Skozi različne faze razvoja istega drevesa se lahko študent največ nauči.
Dušan wired his small Larix

Simon worked on his sumo Carpinus which is developing nicely

Of course, there are more projects, but about them I'll write next time ...
Tomaž is a new member of the Central Group, for his first project he chose an elegant beech from stock in my garden. Line and tappering of the trunk promise much, of the two options (cascade and literati) that the tree offered and has been presented to him on sketches, Tomaž chose the literati style. The objective is to bring the tree in exhibition form in three to five years. On Fagus things go slowly ...
Seveda je v delu še več projektov, a o tem naslednjič ...
Tomaž je nov član centralne skupine; za svoj prvi projekt si je iz zaloge na vrtu izbral elegantno bukev. Linija in ožanje debla obljubljata veliko; od dveh možnosti (kaskada in literati), ki jih drevo ponuja, je Tomaž po analizi na skicah izbral slog literati. Cilj je v treh do petih letih drevo pripeljati v razstavno formo. Pri bukvah gredo stvari pač počasi ... 

To be continued ...