Last night in the studio was very buisy. Matej and Janez have continued to work on their projects, the results will be discussed, after they finish any of the phases. Andrej joined the TORA group for the first time, he recently completed a course for beginners. Now he started a new project which will be completed at the next meetings of the group.
Delavni večer v ateljeju je za nami. Matej in Janez sta nadaljevala delo na svojih projektih, o rezultatih bomo govorili, ko bosta zaključila kakšno izmed faz. Skupini TORA se je prvič pridružil tudi Andrej, ki je pred kratkim opravil tečaj za začetnike. Zdaj je začel nov projekt, ki ga bo dokončal na naslednjih srečanjih skupine.
Tomaž has completed the first phase of detailed wiring on Chamaecyparis. When it was brought to the studio nearly two months ago it was in the same condition as showed in the photo below.
Tomaž je dokončal prvo fazo podrobnega oblikovanja paciprese. Ko jo je pred skoraj dvema mesecema prinesel v atelje je bila v takšnem stanju, kot je na fotografiji spodaj.
This was followed by analysis and some trimming and a lot of wiring. Chamaecyparis did a substantial step forward; it is poted too high, so this will be corrected at next stages of development.
Sledila je analiza, nekaj obrezovanja in veliko žičenja. Pacipresa je napravila velik korak naprej; posajena je previsoko, tudi to bo v naslednjih fazah razvoja popravljeno.
After three workshops Roland has completed the first phase of shaping the crown on his juniper.
Roland je po treh delavnicah dokončal prvo fazo oblikovanja krošnje na brinu.
When it was brought into the studio a month and a half ago, Juniper began the journey or transformation and return to the right path, because Roland was already about to get rid of that tree.
Ko ga je pred mesecem in pol prinesel v atelje, se je začela pot preobrazbe oz. vračanje na pravo pot, saj je bil Roland že na tem, da se brina znebi.
First, Roland was searching out living veins, while there was a lot of time for a detailed analysis of the tree.
Roland se je najprej lotil iskanja živih ven, ob tem pa je bilo dovolj časa za podrobno analizo drevesa.
As we in TORA school start to work on trees analytically (more or less) we took some time, we analyzed the tree in detailes. Depending on the desired effect and the associated composition (taking in account also the golden ratio, etc..), I quickly prepared the sketch below:
Ker se v šoli TORA vsega lotimo analitično (no bolj ali manj) smo si vzeli kar
nekaj časa, da smo drevo podrobno analizirali. Glede na željeni učinek in s
tem povezano kompozicijo (upoštevan zlati rez ipd.) sem na hitro pripravil
spodnjo skico:
Roland was initially favorized different solutions, but in the end he realized almost an identical result, as anticipated by the sketch. And this was done by his feelings only. If the author has a keen sense of beauty, one can not expect to be much different - golden ratio and the composition is the key to success, nevertheless if it occurs on paper or by feelings. Very good job Roland!
Roland se je najprej nagibal k drugačnim rešitvam, na koncu pa po občutku prišel
do skoraj identičnega rezultata, kot ga je predvidevala skica. Če ima avtor
izostren občutek za lepoto na koncu niti ne more biti veliko drugače - zlati rez
in kompozicija je ključ do uspeha, pa če do njega pridemo na papirju ali po
občutku. Zelo dobro delo Roland!
P.S.: We begin with the 3rd year of PF branch in Slovenia. Book a weekend 9.-10. February, we will be led by Enrico Savini. All students please confirm participation untill 31 January. There are some free places for newcomers, if you are interested, write me an email!
P.S.: Začenjamo s 3. letnikom Torine podružnice
šole PF v Sloveniji. Rezervirajte si konec tedna 9.-10. februar, vodil bo Enrico
Savini. Vse študente prosimo, če do 31. januarja potrdijo udeležbo. Nekaj
prostih mest je tudi za novince, zainteresirani, javite se na mail!