Visit to the Noelanders Trophy, the most prestigious European bonsai-show, usually marks the start of a new season. The exhibition in Zolder, Belgium, was again something special. I enjoyed the conversations with my friends from all over Europe, but especially I enjoyed the trees. On the shelves, the European yamadoris prevailed, which I think is good. Yet to win on this show is still necessary to have a large tree of Japanese origin ...
Začetek nove sezone običajno zaznamuje obisk Noelanders Trophyja, najprestižnejše evropske razstave. Tudi tokrat je bilo srečanje v Zolderju v Belgiji nekaj posebnega. Užival sem v pogovorih s prijatelji iz vse Evrope, predvsem pa v drevesih. Na policah so prevladovali evropski jamadoriji, kar je po mojem dobro. A kljub temu je za zmago na tej razstavi še vedno potrebno imeti veliko drevo japonskega izvora ...
Grand winner of Nolenadres Trophy 2013: Picea glenhii, Luis Balino, Spain
You can find more than enough photos of trees on the internet, so I'll show you only one which has already made an impression on me seven years ago at the European Convention on Ksiaz castle in Poland. Larch by Martin Nielsen, Denmark, has matured over the years and now it has everything that good bonsai must have: a carefully selected pot, good nebari, tappering, ramification and the story. Very good, Martin Nielsen, congratulations! Unfortunately, the tree is apparently too small to impress the judges, but this is not the point. When the tree touches the observer, the goal has been reached ...
Na internetu je več kot dovolj fotografij dreves, zato bom izpostavil zgolj eno, ki je name napravilo vtis že pred sedmimi leti na evropski konvenciji na gradu Ksiaz na Poljskem. Macesen Danca Martina Nielsena je v teh letih dozorel in se ponaša z vsem, kar mora imeti bonsaj: skrbno izbrano posodo, dober nebari, ožanje, razvejanost in zgodbo. Zelo dobro Martin Nielsen, čestitke! Žal je drevo očitno premajhno, da bi napravilo vtis na sodnike, a to niti ni bistvo. Ko se drevo dotakne opazovalca, je namen že dosežen ...
Larix decidua at Ksiaz castle in 2006
The same tree seven years later
PS: There are still a few places available for the PF workshop, led by Enrico Savini. We have the favorable price, so hurry up with registrations!
P.S.: Še vedno je na voljo nekaj mest za delavnico PF, ki jo bo vodil Enrico Savini. Poskrbeli smo za ugodne cene, zato pohitite s prijavami!
3 komentarji:
Tale macesen ima res spodoben nebari.
A kdo še ve za kakšen macesen z dobrim nebarijem?
Ali pa so macesni bolj nemogoče vrste, kar se nabarija tiče?
Leto in pol in nobenega predloga?
Potem je tale zmagovalec.
Kolikšna je cena takšnega macesna? V evrih mislim...
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