Miha, Aleš and Roland attended the last night's session in Tora bonsai school. Let me introduce the Miha's project first, which is developing nicely. It is a complex species for bonsai - field maple (Acer campestre) - its hardness does not forgive mistakes at wiring ... The tree is still young in its development, but is already showing its potential. At first styling a year and half ago my friend Hans Van Meer was helping, so it is quite right that Miha used the famous Van Meer's technique last night ;-).
Sinoči so se seanse udeležili Miha, Aleš in Roland. Poglejmo najprej Mihatov projekt, ki se lepo razvija. Gre za bonsajsko zahtevno vrsto maklen (Acer campestre), ki zaradi svoje trdote ne odpušča napak pri žičenju ... Drevo je še vedno mlado v svojem razvoju, a že kaže svoj potencial. Pri prvem oblikovanju pred letom in pol je sodeloval tudi prijatelj Hans Van Meer, zato je kar prav, da je Miha sinoči na drevesu uporabil tudi slavno Van Meerovo tehniko ;-) .
Miha and Hans studying the tree in spring 2012
Acer after first styling in spring 2012
Miha applaying Van Meer tehnique
Last night, Miha worked on improving the structure of the crown. Long branches without narrowing were replaced by the shorter side's ones and a tree immediately acquired on quality. True structure of branches with a natural narrowing can be obtained only by careful and precise trimming. Pay attention to the difference in the first branch of the left - there is the most visible improvement in the structure.
Sinoči je Miha delal na izboljševanju strukture krošnje. Dolge veje brez ožanja, so nadomestile krajše stranske in drevo je takoj pridobilo na kvaliteti. Pravo strukturo vej z naravnim ožanjem je mogoče dobiti le s pazljivim in natančnim obrezovanjem. Bodite pozorni na razliko na prvi levi veji - tam se izboljšanje strukture najbolj vidi.
Acer as it arrived to the workshop last night
After, notice how the structure of the crown has improved
Roland started a new project - he made the first intervention on the old Prunus mahaleb. After analyzing and planning of the future he started to work ...
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