ponedeljek, 27. januar 2014


Past weekend I was a guest of the Prekmurska group of Tora bonsai school. The group is slowly expanding, guys are dedicated, eager to learn and they progress with big steps.

Konec tedna sem bil gost prekmurske skupine šole Tora. Skupina se počasi širi; fantje so zavzeti, željni znanja in napredujejo z velikimi koraki.

Roman did a first wiring on this Carpinus

P.S: Also this week, the Central group will meet on Thursday!

P.S.: Tudi ta teden bo srečanje centralne skupine v četrtek!

petek, 24. januar 2014


Throughout the year a huge number of trees comes to the studio. We try to document them all and then follow their development. Last night Miha completed a new step on his Fagus. In March 2012 It was brought to the workshop for the first time. Firmly rooted and ready for the first step. Material from a mountain pasture at first glance looks like a "finished" bonsai, ready for planting in a container and exhibition. But in the Tora bonsai school we teach a little different. We are dedicated to detail, for us crown structure, narrowing of the branches, dealing with mistakes is important. Ideal tree - ideal bonsai - we want to get as closer as possible to that ideal. The result takes a lot more time, patience and knowledge, but the satisfaction of a job well done is much greater .
V ateljeju se čez leto zvrsti ogromno število dreves. Vse skušamo dokumentirati in potem slediti njihovemu razvoju. Miha je sinoči dokončal nov korak na bukvi. Prvič jo je v delavnico prinesel marca 2012. Dodobra vkoreninjeno in pripravljeno na prvi poseg. Materijal z visokogorskega pašnika na prvi pogled izgleda kot "dokončan" bonsaj, pripravljen za sajenje v posodo in razstavo. Toda v šoli Tora se bonsajizem gremo drugače. Posvečamo se podrobnostim, za nas je pomembna struktura krošnje, ožanje vej, odpravljanje napak. Idealno drevo - idealen bonsaj - kolikor se mu pač lahko približamo. Za končni rezultat je potrebno veliko več časa, potrpežljivosti in nenazadnje znanja a zadovoljstvo ob dobro opravljenem delu je toliko večje.
Fagus sylvatica, March 2012

After firts styling, March 2012
After the first styling Miha was not pleased. Bothered by several things; meanwhile he repotted the tree into first bonsai pot and decided to change the front.
Po prvem oblikovanju Miha ni bil najbolj zadovoljen. Motilo ga je več stvari; vmes je drevo presadil v bonsajsko posodo in se odločil, da spremeni prvo stran.
January 2014, new front

Miha working
The tree was turned for 180 degrees and then he concentrated on selection of branches, their structure and positioning. Now the thickest branch is the lowest, below where it should be, any higher branch is thinner. Top is not part of the old thick branch anymore, there are the youngest and thinnest ones. Just as it should be. But nevertheless the tree maintains the originality and naturalness. A step in the right direction !
Drevo je obrnil za 180 stopinj in se v nadaljevanju posvetil izboru vej, njihovi strukturi in pozicioniranju. Zdaj je najdebelejša veja spodaj, kjer mora biti, vsaka višja je tanjša. Vrh ni del stare debele veje ampak so tam najmlajše in najtanjše vejice. Tako kot mora biti. Drevo pa kljub vsemu ohranja prvobitnost in naravnost. Korak v pravo smer!
Fagus sylvatica, after second step, January 2014
There will pass a quite some time before the tree will enter the showable phase. New pot, work on ramification ... Similarly, as a lot of time will pass before my Crataegus will be ready for the exhibition. Hawthorn is a species excellent for bonsai growing. It was collected in March 2012.
Do razstavne faze bo minilo še kar nekaj časa. Nova posoda, delo na razvejanosti ... Podobno kot bo do razstavne faze minilo še kar nekaj časa tudi pri mojem glogu. Glog je vrsta, ki se na bonsajsko vzgojo odlično odziva. Izkopan je bil marca 2012.
Crataegus in nature, March 2012

Crataegus after collecting, March 2012
After a year of free growth and regeneration  the first step followed. Because it is a karst type, I've been able to do this, at pines and spruces I would have to wait at least another year or two. Either way, the tree itself tells you when it is ready.
Po letu dni proste rasti in regeneracije je sledil prvi korak. Ker gre za kraško vrsto, sem si to že lahko privoščil, pri borih ali smrekah bi na prvi korak moral počakati še vsaj leto ali dve. Tako ali tako pa drevo samo pove, kdaj je pripravljeno.
March 2013, before first intervention

March 2013, after first intevention
Further shortening of the trunk and the first selection of branches was done. I kept the first three branches because they grow in the right places. Using the saw-technique they were bended in the right position. When a tree has such branches this is really fortune, as the old bark on them complement the character of the tree. On the newly grown ones one would wait a decade or more for such bark ...
Napravljeno je bilo dodatno krajšanje debla in prvi izbor vej. Prve tri veje sem ohranil, ker rastejo na pravih mestih. S tehniko žaganja so bile ukrivljene v pravo pozicijo. Ko drevo to omogoča, so takšne veje pravo bogastvo, saj s staro skorjo dopolnjujejo karakter drevesa. Na novo vzgojenih bi na takšno skorjo čakal desetletje ali več ...
Another season of growing and regeneration passed and here is time for a new intervention. Hawthorn reacted well, and there was a lot of new branches, on the old ones secondary branches has grown. Again, I made ​​a selection of new branches and improved the structure on the old ones.
Spet je minila ena rastna sezona regeneracije in čas za nov poseg. Glog je lepo reagiral, pognal nove veje in na starih sekundarne. Spet sem napravil selekcijo novih vej, na starih izboljševal strukturo.
January 2014, before second step

January 2014, after second step
After only two years the tree is already receiving first outlines. In the next growing season it will be constantly under control. No more free growth, as now the structure is important. And maturing. Then comes the first container, and more maturation and yes, once upon the time the tree will shine on some exhibition :-)
Tomaž was finishing his larch, Janez worked on in his juniper. When this projects will be completed I'll show them here!
Po le dveh letih vzgoje drevo že dobiva prve obrise. Naslednjo rastno sezono bo ves čas pod nadzorom. Nič več proste rasti, saj gre zdaj za strukturo. In dozorevanje drevesa. Potem pride na vrsto prva posoda, pa še leta zorenja in ja, nekoč bo zablestel na kakšni razstavi :-)
Tomaž je dokončeval macesen, Janez je delal naprej na svojem brinu. Ko bo dokončan, pride na vrsto predstavitev njegovega projekta!
Tomaž working

Janez working

torek, 21. januar 2014


This time I experienced Noelanders Trophy, Europe's largest bonsai exhibition, differently than usual. I was part of event, insider for the first time. When you put your tree on display at the highest level and expose it to a critical view of the experts, everything is different :-) .
Tokratni Noelanders Trophy, največjo evropsko razstavo bonsajev, sem doživljal drugače kot sicer. Prvič sem bil del dogajanja, insajder. Ko svoje drevo postaviš na ogled na najvišjem nivoju in izpostaviš kritičnim pogledom največjih poznavalcev, je vse drugače :-) .
My juniper at official shooting
During journalistic career, I was asking athletes about feelings countless times. Now I see that this question is really funny. It is difficult to describe what is going trough your mind to someone who has never experienced that. It began with confusion at reception of the trees and at shooting for the catalog; the next morning unbearably crowd at the opening of the exhibition. I'm also beginning to get used to otherwise incomprehensible egotripe in the bonsai world. But great time with friends and energy of the top trees on the shelves, it all quickly put into place .
V svoji novinarski karieri sem sogovornike, ko so opravili določen nastop,  neštetokrat spraševal po občutkih. Zdaj vidim, da je to vprašanje res smešno. Težko je namreč nekomu, ki tega nikoli ni izkusil, opisati vse, kar se ti podi po glavi. Začelo se je z zmedo ob sprejemu dreves in fotografiranju za katalog in naslednje jutro neznosno gnečo ob odprtju razstave. Na meni sicer nerazumljive egotripe v bonsajskem svetu pa sem se počasi že navadil. Toda ob druženju s prijatelji, ob energiji vrhunskih dreves na policah, se je vse hitro postavilo na svoje mesto.
The prize for the best nebari goes to ... :-) (Acer, Luis Balino)

This technically great implemented silvestrys is also part of Luis Balino collection
One of the best deciduous tree - Quercus faginea, Luis Vallejo

I was atracted also with this Fagus sylvatica. Maybe the tree I spent the most time with. Full of mistakes, pot is too small, but nevertheless great tree, especially if you take in to account the difficult species. (exhibitor: Ralf Beckers)
Janez otherwise noted that he has already outgrew this event ( :-) ), but nevertheless Noelanders Trophy remains an event which bonsaists do not miss! The question is, how long, because of many reasons, will be so.
Janez je sicer ugotovil, da je tudi ta dogodek že prerastel, a Noelanders Trophy še vedno ostaja prireditev, kjer bonsajist ne sme manjkati! Vprašanje pa je, koliko časa bo iz različnih razlogov še tako.
Janez ...
Noelanders Trophy XV. winner is the Spaniard Erasmo Garcia Fernandez. His olive fully deserved the award. Extremely mature tree, container, design, presentation - all as it should be. And tree still not too big ! :-)
Zmagovalec Noelanders Trophy XV. je Španec Erasmo Garcia Fernandez. Njegova oljka si je nagrado povsem zaslužila. Izjemno zrelo drevo, posoda, dizajn, predstavitev - vse tako, kot mora biti. Pa še prevelika ni! :-)

The winner of Noelanders Trophy XV - Olea by Erasmo Garcia Fernandez
P.S.: Workshop for central group of Tora bonsai school will be in Thursday, 23. January!
P.S.: Srečanje centralne skupine šole Tora bo v četrtek 23. januarja!

četrtek, 16. januar 2014


It's time to show my work at the highest possible level. In recent time I have worked on juniper Mom: crown defined, moss and lichen on the site, pot cleaned and oiled. We're ready for Noelanders trophy!
Čas je, da svoje delo pokažem na najvišjem možnem nivoju. V zadnjem obdobju sem se ukvarjal z brinom Mama: krošnja je urejena, mah in lišaji na mestu, posoda očiščena in naoljena. Pripravljena sva za Noelanders trophy!



However, the other day it was very nice meeting of Primorska group of the Tora bonsai school ... :-)
Pa zadnjič je bilo zelo fajn na srečanju primorske skupine bonsajske šole Tora ... :-)


torek, 14. januar 2014


Danes, 14. jauarja se vidimo v Črničah na Primorskem, žal pa jutrišnje srečanje (15. januar) osrednje skupine zaradi drugih obveznosti odpade. Se vidimo po vrnitvi z Noelanders trophyja!

četrtek, 9. januar 2014


There was a lot of interest for the first regular workshop of Tora bonsai school in New Year! :-) The boys were eager to work after a new year's break and so we jumped to work. Aleš, Miha and Janez have worked on projects which I'll present on another occasion, Tomaž H. came in only to say greetings to new year. There were a lot of talks, in-depth analysis, exchange of views and experiences. The studio is designed for just such activities!
Za prvo redno delavnico bonsajske šole Tora v novem letu je veljalo veliko zanimanje! :-) Fante so prsti po premoru že pošteno srbeli in tako smo se zavzeto lotili dela. Aleš, Miha in Janez so delali na projektih, ki jih bom predstavil ob drugi priložnosti, Tomaž H. je prišel le voščit novo leto; pogovorov, poglobljenih analiz, izmenjave mnenj in izkušenj pa tudi tokrat ni manjkalo. Atelje je namenjen ravno takšnim aktivnostim!
And here are two projects, which ended a new phase in its development. Tomaž (yes, even the third Tomaž :-) ) brought hornbeam to the studio. At first glance it does not promise very much.
Pa še o dveh projektih, ki sta sinoči končala novo fazo v svojem razvoju. Tomaž (ja, še tretji Tomaž :-) ) je v atelje prinesel gaber, ki na prvi pogled ne obljublja ravno veliko.
Carpinus betulus before first intervention
Tomaž came in with the idea already made​​, and because his idea was good for the development of the tree, we were fully dedicated to it. The first task at broadleaves is creating the right structure of the crown: the thickest branches below, narrowing, the right motion - in short, setting the skeleton of the future bonsai. The principle of the creation of conifers varies considerably. Tomaž has cut all the superfluous branches, wired remaining, processed cuts and the task was completed. Now he'll work on secondary and tertiary branches, because only by good ramification the tree will acquire real character. However, new pot ... But the foundation is there. Good work!
Tomaž je na srečanje prišel z že izdelano idejo; ker je bila njegova ideja dobra možnost za razvoj drevesa, smo se ji v celoti posvetili. Prva naloga pri listavcih je seveda ustvarjanja prave strukture krošnje: najdebelejše veje spodaj, ožanje, pravo gibanje - skratka postavljanje skeleta bodočega bonsaja. Princip se od oblikovanja iglavcev precej razlikuje. Tomaž je porezal vse odvečne veje, ožičil preostale, obdelal reze, ki se bodo zacelili in naloga je bila opravljena. Zdaj ga čaka nekajletno delo na vzgoji sekundarnih in terciarnih vej, le z razvejanostjo bo drevo dobilo pravi karakter. Pa nova posoda ... Ampak osnova je tu. Dobro delo!
Carpinus betulus after first intervention
Roland has also brought hornbeam, but this tree already has a long story and Roland working on ramification already for two seasons. This time it was the time for the exact wiring of new growth and preparing position for re-poting.
Tudi Roland je prinesel gaber, le da je za njegovim drevesom že daljša zgodba in Roland že dve sezoni dela na razvejanosti. Tokrat je bilo na vrsti natančno žičenje nove rasti in pripravljanje pozicije za presaditev.

Carpinus betulus as arrived in atelier in February 2012 

 Carpinus betulus January 2014 - before

Carpinus betulus - after
PS: There are some nice larches in stock, suitable for beginner's courses, as well as for advanced studies. (Matej, thank you!) Welcome!
P.S.: Na zalogi je nekaj lepih macesnov, primernih za začetne tečaje, pa tudi za nadaljevalni študij. (Matej, hvala!) Vabljeni!