četrtek, 9. januar 2014


There was a lot of interest for the first regular workshop of Tora bonsai school in New Year! :-) The boys were eager to work after a new year's break and so we jumped to work. Aleš, Miha and Janez have worked on projects which I'll present on another occasion, Tomaž H. came in only to say greetings to new year. There were a lot of talks, in-depth analysis, exchange of views and experiences. The studio is designed for just such activities!
Za prvo redno delavnico bonsajske šole Tora v novem letu je veljalo veliko zanimanje! :-) Fante so prsti po premoru že pošteno srbeli in tako smo se zavzeto lotili dela. Aleš, Miha in Janez so delali na projektih, ki jih bom predstavil ob drugi priložnosti, Tomaž H. je prišel le voščit novo leto; pogovorov, poglobljenih analiz, izmenjave mnenj in izkušenj pa tudi tokrat ni manjkalo. Atelje je namenjen ravno takšnim aktivnostim!
And here are two projects, which ended a new phase in its development. Tomaž (yes, even the third Tomaž :-) ) brought hornbeam to the studio. At first glance it does not promise very much.
Pa še o dveh projektih, ki sta sinoči končala novo fazo v svojem razvoju. Tomaž (ja, še tretji Tomaž :-) ) je v atelje prinesel gaber, ki na prvi pogled ne obljublja ravno veliko.
Carpinus betulus before first intervention
Tomaž came in with the idea already made​​, and because his idea was good for the development of the tree, we were fully dedicated to it. The first task at broadleaves is creating the right structure of the crown: the thickest branches below, narrowing, the right motion - in short, setting the skeleton of the future bonsai. The principle of the creation of conifers varies considerably. Tomaž has cut all the superfluous branches, wired remaining, processed cuts and the task was completed. Now he'll work on secondary and tertiary branches, because only by good ramification the tree will acquire real character. However, new pot ... But the foundation is there. Good work!
Tomaž je na srečanje prišel z že izdelano idejo; ker je bila njegova ideja dobra možnost za razvoj drevesa, smo se ji v celoti posvetili. Prva naloga pri listavcih je seveda ustvarjanja prave strukture krošnje: najdebelejše veje spodaj, ožanje, pravo gibanje - skratka postavljanje skeleta bodočega bonsaja. Princip se od oblikovanja iglavcev precej razlikuje. Tomaž je porezal vse odvečne veje, ožičil preostale, obdelal reze, ki se bodo zacelili in naloga je bila opravljena. Zdaj ga čaka nekajletno delo na vzgoji sekundarnih in terciarnih vej, le z razvejanostjo bo drevo dobilo pravi karakter. Pa nova posoda ... Ampak osnova je tu. Dobro delo!
Carpinus betulus after first intervention
Roland has also brought hornbeam, but this tree already has a long story and Roland working on ramification already for two seasons. This time it was the time for the exact wiring of new growth and preparing position for re-poting.
Tudi Roland je prinesel gaber, le da je za njegovim drevesom že daljša zgodba in Roland že dve sezoni dela na razvejanosti. Tokrat je bilo na vrsti natančno žičenje nove rasti in pripravljanje pozicije za presaditev.

Carpinus betulus as arrived in atelier in February 2012 

 Carpinus betulus January 2014 - before

Carpinus betulus - after
PS: There are some nice larches in stock, suitable for beginner's courses, as well as for advanced studies. (Matej, thank you!) Welcome!
P.S.: Na zalogi je nekaj lepih macesnov, primernih za začetne tečaje, pa tudi za nadaljevalni študij. (Matej, hvala!) Vabljeni!

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