I collected this red pine five years ago at local hills. After four years in pot it was more then ready for first styling. So I decided to give this tree to Andrea Melloni to style it this spring during VI. International bonsai exhibition in Ljubljana. It was a little late for styling as it was already first weekend in June.
Ta rdeči bor sem izkopal pred petimi leti v lokalnih hribih. Po štirih letih v posodi je bil več kot pripravljen za prvo oblikovanje. Odločil sem se, da ga ponudim Andrei Melloniju, ki naj bi ga oblikoval med demonstracijo na VI. Mednarodni razstavi v Ljubljani. Za oblikovanje je bilo že nekoliko pozno, saj je bil to že prvi konec tedna v juniju.
Pine before work (Photo: Roland Petek)
Before work, at delicious cappuccino we, me and Andrea, discuss the future of this old yamadori. We agree at almost all details (which line to choose, which branch to use etc.), but even if we wouldn't agree, Andrea is an artist which I completely trust. So he started to work.
Pred začetkom sva se z Andreo na kapučinu pogovorila o prihodnosti tega starega jamadorija. Strinjala sva se v skoraj vseh podrobnostih (katero linijo izbrati, katero vejo uporabiti idr.), pa tudi če se ne bi, Andrea je bonsajist, ki mu popolnoma zaupam. In tako se je lotil dela.
Andrea working on big jin created from main trunk (Photo: Roland Petek)
Tomaž Hafner assisted Andrea (Photo: Roland Petek)
The final result after demonstration (Photo: Roland Petek)
The result was elegant pine with interesting line and even more interesting jin which complemented the line of the trunk. Because Andrea cut almost 70% of green mass and did some major bendings many people expressed their concern that the tree will not survive. But as always in such cases the preparation of the tree before the demo is as important as after care. So after demo the tree was carefully looked after with right measures and there was no problem. Tree reacted very well with a lot of new buds but also with very long needles. After five months It was time for a new step.
Rezultat je bil eleganten bor z zanimivo linijo in še bolj zanimivim džinom, ki dopolnjuje linijo debla. Ker je Andrea porezal skoraj 70% zelenja in napravil nekaj konkretnih zvijanj, je kar nekaj ljudi izrazilo dvome, da bo drevo preživelo. Toda tako kot vedno v takšnih primerih je priprava drevesa pred posegom enako pomembna, kot je skrb za drevo po njem. Po demotu je bilo za drevo dobro poskrbljeno s pravim pristopom in tako težav ni bilo. Drevo je reagiralo zelo dobro, z veliko novih brstov, a tudi z zelo dolgimi iglicami. Po petih mesecih je bil čas za nov korak.
I cut off all the wire and raffia, Gašper also cutted all old needles. The bark on this tree is really spectacular!
Porezal sem vso žico in rafijo, Gašper je porezal tudi vse stare iglice. Skorja na tem drevesu je res spektakularna!
The pine was fully wired again. The crown is more compact now and the structure is better. After first styling of Andrea Melloni I found the tree a little to toll, so I try to lower it. Of course the needles are too long and It will take some three or four years to get the proper needles back. In meanwhile I'll re-pot the tree in to bonsai pot. I am looking forward to work on this tree!
Bor je bil potem ponovno ožičen. Krišnja je zdaj bolj kompaktna in struktura boljša. Po prvem oblikovanju Andrea Mellonija se mi je bor zdel nekoliko previsok, zato sem ga skušal znižati. Iglice so seveda še predolge, toda za to, da bodo pognale kompaktne prave iglice bodo potrebna tri ali štiri leta. V tem času bom drevo presadil v bonsajsko posodo. Se že veselim dela na tem drevesu!
Pinus sylvestris, October 2014, black background
Pinus sylvestris, October 2014, white background
To be continued ...
Se nadaljuje ...