sreda, 6. januar 2016


Gašper is TORA International Bonsai School's student and apprentice for a year now. Thanks to hard work He made a huge step forward in his technique and artistic approach. This is one of the projects finished in the last days - Yamadori Picea abies. The tree, collected by Jan Munda, was lying neglected in TORA's garden for more than a year. Now we decided to style it and put it among the offers! Spruce is already five years in this training pot, has nice nebari and tapering, interesting movement and very small needles. (Probably it is a sub-species Alpina). After he cleaned all the grass in the pot, Gašper start to work on it.

Gašper je študent ali, če hočete, vajenec v šoli TORA že eno leto. Trdo delo se kaže v velikem napredku: zelo je napredoval tako v tehničnem kot tudi umetniškem smislu. To je eden od projektov, ki jih je zaključil v zadnjih dneh - jamadori smreka, ki jo je izkopal Jan Munda in je že več kot leto pozabljena ležala v mojem vrtu. Odločil sem se, da jo oblikujemo in damo na prodaj! Smreka je že pet let v tej trening posodi, ima lep nebari in ožanje, zanimivo gibanje in zelo majhne iglice. (Verjetno gre za podvrsto Alpina). Potem, ko je oplel vso travo v posodi, se je Gašper lotil dela.

Picea abies, starting material

Gašper slowly working towards top of the tree

Yesterday, at a weekly workshop with a central group of students, Gašper finished the job. Last moves were carefully followed by other students, we had a kind of a demo! :-)

Včeraj, na redni tedenski delavnici centralne skupine, je Gašper dokončal delo. Zadnje poteze je opravil pred ostalimi študenti, imeli smo kar manjši demo! :-)

The top mus go!

After wiring and rough styling we usually put the trees in front of a solid background for better viewing. There he did the last adjustments in the crown.

Po žičenju in grobem oblikovanju drevesa običajno postavimo pred ozadje za boljši pregled. Tam je Gašper opravil še zadnje popravke v krošnji. 

After wiring the time for final adjustment has come

 Picea abies after first styling, January 2016

Job well done! Of course, this is not some first class material, but a good example of what can be done with fairly good tree. Dynamic lower part with good nebari, continued with more static, classical top. The future is set; in the spring we'll re-pot it into the first bonsai pot. 

Dobro opravljeno delo! Seveda ne gre za prvovrstni materijal, pa vendar dober primer, kaj se da napraviti iz primernega drevesa. Dinamični spodnji del drevesa z dobrim nebarijem se nadaljuje v bolj statični, klasični vrh. Bodočnost je začrtana; spomladi jo bomo presadili v prvo bonsajsko posodo.

Spruce is available for sell or trade!

Smreka je na prodaj!

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