petek, 22. januar 2016


Here are two other examples of two well documented development of the trees. Both in Gregor Malik's collection and both worked on in TORA bonsai school sessions. It is very nice to see how trees styled in our school progress and becoming nice bonsai. It is the true purpose of our workshops: to bring trees from yamadori to exhibiting state of development. And along with this process student learn all necessary tehniques. The first example is a field elm which made a great progress in only four seasons.  Gregor collected it by himself and bring it to our workshop for the first time in March 2013. The tree has good nebari and great bark, but almost no tapering and no movement. But because elms are extremely good species for bonsai it was worth to try. So we set the future of the tree.

Tu sta še dva primera dobro dokumentiranih razvojev dreves. Obe drevesi sta iz zbirke Gregorja Malika in obe delani na delavnicah šole TORA. Zelo lepo je videti kako se drevesa oblikovana na naših delavnicah razvijajo in postajajo lepi bonsaji. To je tudi glavni namen naših srečanj: pripeljati drevesa od jamadorija do razstavne razvojne faze. Ob tem procesu se študentje učijo vseh potrebnih tehnik. Prvi primer je brest, ki je izjemen razvoj napravil v samo štirih letih. Gregor ga je sam izkopal in ga prvič prinesel na delavnico marca 2013. Drevo ima dober nebari in lepo skorjo, toda je skoraj brez ožanja in brez gibanja. Toda ker je brest zelo dobra vrsta za bonsai, je bilo vseeno vredno poskusiti. Torej smo začrtali prihodnost tega drevesa.

So we shortened the trunk and made a selection of branches. Gregor then wired them all. 

Skrajšali smo deblo in napravili selekcijo vej. Gregor jih je potem vse ožičil.

Elm reacted well and after one growing season, in January 2014, it was time for the next step. Grega shortened the branches in order to make a nice structure and slowly started to build the crown.

Brest je dobro reagiral in po eni rastni sezoni, januarja 2014, je bil čas za nov korak. Grega je veje pokrajšal zaradi boljše strukture in začel počasi graditi krošnjo.

In January 2015 elm already showed first signs of good ramification. The work went on!

Januarja 2015 je brest začel kazati prve znake dobre razvejanosti. Delo se je nadaljevalo.!

In spring 2015 Grega re-pot the tree in a first bonsai pot, let it grow for another season and wired it again in January 2016. Then he brought it to the TORA workshop. Grega did a great job! We just adjusted first two branches and the result is great! Ramification is unbelievable for such a short time. The tree is almost ready for show. Just great! In the future, it will be re-potted in shallow pot a little wider than the present one.

Spomladi 2015 je Grega drevo presadil v prvo bonsajsko posodo, ga pustil še eno sezono rasti in ga ponovno ožičil jauarja 2016. Potem ga je prinesel na delavnico šole TORA. Grega je napravil odlično delo! Le spodnji dve veji smo malce popravili in rezultat je bil odličen! Razvejanost je za samo štiri leta razvoja neverjetna. Drevo je že skoraj pripravljeno za razstave. Odlično! V bodočnosti bo posajeno v nekoliko nižjo in širšo posodo.

Development 2013-2016

The other example is the development of Prunus mahaleb. The story started in the same year as elm's one. Grega brought the tree to the TORA workshop already potted into the shallow bonsai pot. The tree has great movement, tapering and a lot of dead-wood. We made the branch-selection and also the first styling was done.

Drug primer je razvoj rešeljike. Zgodba sega v isto leto kot zgodba bresta. Grega jo je na delavnico prinesel že posajeno v plitvo bonsajsko posodo. Drevo ima izjemno gibanje, ožanjein veliko suhega lesa. Napravili smo selekcijo vej in opravili prvo oblikovanje.

In December 2014, after a good growing season, we decided to shorten the trunk and wired all branches again.

Decembra 2014, po dobri rastni sezoni, smo se odločili za krajšanje debla in na novo ožičili vse veje.

In spring 2015 Grega re-potted the Prunus into very nice high-quality pot from Isabelia, which might be the final one. In January 2016 we did another styling and the tree already shows all its potential. The first right branch must still thicken a lot and the crown must mature, but with leaves on it is already showable. With these two trees Grega also show his great talent and I am proud that he is a student of TORA school! 

Spomladi 2015 je Grega rešeljiko presadil v lepo in kvalitetno bonsajsko posodo iz Isabelie, ki bi že lahko bila končna. Januarja 2016 smo napravili novo oblikovanje in drevo že kaže ves svoj potencial. Prva desna veja se mora še precej odebeliti in krošnja mora dozoreti. Toda z listi je drevo že primerno za kakšno razstavo. S tema drevesoma je Grega pokazal svoj velik talent in ponosen sem, da je del šole TORA!

Development 2013-2016

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