sreda, 20. januar 2016


It is nice to keep the history of the trees. I try to document development of every-single tree that goes trough our atelier. This is a story about development of Sašo's pine. The tree is far from being completed, but the progress is very good. The red or Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) came to the atelier in March 2014.  Already well established in black container and ready to work. The tree has a nice nebari and good tachigari, but after first bend there was a long straight trunk - the main problem of the tree.

Zanimivo je spremljati zgodovino dreves. Skušam dokumentirati prav vsako drevo, ki pride v atelje. To je zgodba o Sašotovem boru. Drevo je daleč od tega, da bi bilo končano, toda razvoj je zelo dober. Rdeči bor (Pinus sylvestris) je prvič prišel v atelje marca 2014. Dobro vkoreninjen v črnem kontejnerju in pripravljen za delo. Drevo ima lep nebari in dober tačigari, toda po prvi krivini se je drevo nadaljevalo v dolgo, ravno deblo - glavno težavo tega drevesa.

Pinus sylvestris, March 2014

So, we first worked on this main problem. We used sawing technique to bend the trunk down. Sašo put the cutting paste on the sawing point and protected everything with moist cloth. Then we put the tree to rest. 

Najprej smo se torej posvetili temu problemu. Uporabili smo tehniko žaganja in skrivili deblo navzdol. Sašo je na mesto žaganja dal smolo in vse skupaj zaščitil z mokro krpo. Potem je drevo počivalo.

Pinus sylvestris, after first intervention, March 2014

Sašo admiring his job

Area of bending was protected with wet cloth

Detail of nebari and tachigari

After one growing season the tree was ready for the next step. In November 2014 we started with first styling. Sašo wired every branch; we also bend the ten-jin and first styling was completed.

Po eni rastni sezoni je bilo drevo pripravljeno na naslednji korak. Novembra 2014 smo opravili prvo oblikovanje. Sašo je požičil vse veje; ukrivili smo tudi tendžin in prvo oblikovanje je bilo končano.

Pinus sylvestris, November 2014

Sašo wired every-single branch

Pinus sylvestris, after first styling, November 2014

Sašo cut the wire off a little too soon and the tree came back to the atelier in January 2016. Pine reacted well, but new needles are long and soft which is normal in this phase of development. Already the next generation of the needles will be shorter and harder and then also the definition of the tree will be much better.

Sašo je žico porezal nekoliko prehitro in drevo je prišlo nazaj v atelje januarja 2016. Bor je dobro reagiral, toda iglice so dolge in mehke, kar je v tej fazi razvoja normalno. Že naslednja generacija iglic bo krajša in trša in takrat bo tudi definicija drevesa veliko boljša.

Pinus sylvestris, January 2016, all branches wired

Sašo and Gašper styling the pine

Pinus sylvestris, January 2016, after second styling

Second styling done. We improved some branch structure and nice future of this tree is set. It will be re-poted into the first bonsai pot in the upcoming spring. And the neverending story will go on! 

Drugo oblikovanje je končano. Izboljšali smo strukturo vej in pripravili drevo za prihodnost. V prvo bonsajsko posodo bo presajen to pomlad. In nikoli končana zgodba se bo nadaljevala!

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