petek, 31. avgust 2012


Nina and I, at forum SBK, we had an interesting debate about her Ulmus parvifolia. At the end I offered her a free basic workshop. As a sign of "truce" Nina brought a delicious tiramisu! :-)
Z Nino sva imela zanimivo debato na forumu SBK okrog njenega kitajskega bresta. Na koncu se je izšlo tako, da sem ji ponudil brezplačni tečaj, Nina pa je v znak "premirja" prinesla slasten tiramisu! :-)
Nina is studying art, painting, so the theory about aesthetics and shaping a bonsai tree is not something new for her. And as it turned out she is also handy with her fingers and she quickly learned the basics of wiring. She doesn't have a proper space for keeping bonsai trees for now, so she'll stick with her elm for now. But I believe that we'll meet her again!
Nina študira slikarstvo, torej ji teorija estetike in oblikovanja bonsaja ni tuja. Kot se je izkazalo, pa je spretna tudi s prsti, saj ji je žičenje kmalu šlo dobro od rok. Žal za zdaj še nima prostora, tako da bo ostala le pri kitajskem brestu, a verjamem, da jo bomo med bonsaji v prihodnje še srečali!

In the afternoon, with pleasant socializing, we officially opened the autumn season of Tora school. We worked a little, talked a lot and had a good time. From now on we'll have a workshop every week again!
Popoldne smo s prijetnim srečanjem uradno odprli jesensko sezono šole Tora. Malo smo delali, veliko govorili in se imeli fajn. Srečanja bodo zdaj spet tedenska!


torek, 28. avgust 2012


First time after demo in Warsaw, where this pine was shaped, I cut all the wire. I also removed remaining rafia and then wired the tree again. Much less wire was needed and the branches produce buds also way back. A year more and the tree will be showable.
Prvič potem, ko sem rdeči bor oblikoval na demonstraciji v Varšavi, sem drevo popolnoma razžičil. Odstranil še preostalo rafijo in drevo ponovno ožičil. Potrebno je bilo veliko manj žice, veje se lepo gostijo tudi nazaj. Še kakšno leto, pa bo že primeren za razstavo.
Pine after all the wire was cut off

After re-wiring
2010 - material
It will never be such quality as a new Tomaž's tree. He worked on a white pine today, getting familiar with it and prepared it for autumn.
Nikoli sicer ne bo takšnega kalibra, kot je nova Tomaževa pridobitev. Z belim borom se je v ateljeju ukvarjal danes, ga spoznaval, pripravljal na jesen.
Tomaž and his pine
P.S.: In Thursday we'll start with weekly workshops. All members of Tora group are invited, but a new members are welcomed too!
P.S.: V četrtek začenjamo z rednimi tedenskimi srečanji. Vabljeni vsi člani skupine Tora, pa tudi tisti, ki bi se radi skupini pridružili na novo! 

sobota, 25. avgust 2012


Last few days I was working on juniper that I found as material three years ago in Marek Gajda's garden in Warsaw. Marek did bring this juniper to me to Noelanders trophy two years ago, since then the tree is in my garden. This is another example how the trees, which should live their lives at one place with roots deep in the ground, travels around the world and make bonsai artists happy.
Zadnje dni sem delal na brinu, ki sem ga pred tremi leti odkril med materijalom v vrtu Mareka Gajde v Varšavi. Marek mi ga je potem pred dvema letoma prijazno pripeljal na Noelanders Trophy v Belgijo, od takrat je v mojem vrtu. Še en primer, kako drevesa, ki bi po definiciji morala vse svoje življenje preživeti na enem mestu, trdno ukoreninjena, potujejo po svetu in osrečujejo bonsajiste.
I am working on this tree for almost one year now, during the summer it improved very well. After first shaping last year it lost one of important branches, so this spring I did shape a reserve branch instead. Now there is no problem, during the summer the juniper was very happy with a lot of sun, water and feed - now thinning of the crown and wiring was needed. This is a result after faze two. If I find the right pot (I already know what I am looking for) then I'll re-pot it next spring. Meanwhile I'll work on dead wood. There is a lot of work on dead wood, but the result will be spectacular!
Brin je v obdelavi nekaj manj kot leto dni in je čez poletje lepo napredoval. Po lanski prvi obdelavi je izgubil eno od pomembnejših vej, tako da sem spomladi uporabil zasilno rešitev iz rezervnih vej. Težav ni bilo več, brin je bil z obilico sonca, vode in hrane v mojem vrtu zelo zadovoljen - potrebno je bilo redčenje krošnje in novo žičenje. To je rezultat po drugi fazi razvoja. Če bom uspel najti primerno posodo (približno že vem, kaj iščem) ga bom spomladi že presadil, do takrat pa veliko delal na suhem lesu. Veliko, ogromno je še dela na suhem lesu, a rezultat bo spektakularen!

October 2011

After second faze
P.S.: Member of Tora school and one of my first students, Matej, is in one month Apprenticeship program at Mr. Tanaka's Aichien bonsai, Japan. I am really glad that Matej decided to go there to learn. He says hallo to all members of Tora school. When he'll come back I'll prepare a special workshop with him!
P.S.: Član šole Tora in eden mojih prvih učencev Matej, je te dni na enomesečnem šolanju pri mojstru Tanaku v Aichien bonsai na Japonskem. V veliko veselje mi je, da se je Matej odločil še poglobiti svoje znanje. Vsem članom Tore pošilja pozdrave. Ob njegovi vrnitvi se v delavnici obeta zanimivo srečanje!

ponedeljek, 20. avgust 2012


Uh, this was one working summer! I am not a professional in bonsai, so I must earn enough money somewhere else .... First a new roof on the house, then I was working on Tour de France, then in London at Olympics ... Now is time for bonsai! I didn't neglect them meanwhile either, but any how ... The TORA school is open for autumn workshops. Call, send e-mail if you are interested. Jože is new member of the school, he choose all-year intensive studying.

Uf, to pa je bilo delovno poletje. Ker nisem poklicni bonsajist, moram denar zaslužit kje drugje ... Najprej obnova strehe, potem Tour, potem olimpijske igre ... Zdaj se spet končno lahko nekoliko bolj posvetim tudi bonsajem. Saj ne, da bi jih v tem času zanemarjal ... Skratka; šola je spet odprta, jesenski termini so na voljo. Pokličite, pišite, dogovorili se bomo za termin. Šoli se je med tem že pridružil Jože, ki se je odločil za celoletno, poglobljeno šolanje.

First autumn story out of my collection is a juniper Nitra. Shaped, wired. A live vein at the front decided not to cooperate anymore. At junipers many times this is the case - a new vein take the place of old one. Tree lost a bit of character, because there is no live vein from the base at the front. So, I am considering a new front. And searching for appropriate pot is still on, too.

Prva jesenska zgodba iz moje zbirke je brin Nitra. Urejen, na novo ožičen. Žal se je vena s sprednjega dela debla odločila, da ne bo več sodelovala. Pri brinih se velikokrat zgodi, da sami poiščejo nove povezave s koreninami in stara vena odmre. S tem je nekoliko izgubilo tudi drevo, saj zdaj s sprednje strani iz baze ni več vidne žive vene. Zato razmišljam o novi sprednji strani. Pa tudi iskanje primerne posode se nadaljuje! 

Nitra without live vein at the front ...

A new front?