nedelja, 9. junij 2013


At last workshop at Maribor branch of Tora bonsai school we first talked obout some additional design principles, and then we focused on the work on the trees. Davorin worked on ficus - for a commercial type of tree this was a good material, also the time to work on tropical species is now (beginning of June) ideal:
Na tokratni delavnici Mariborske podružnice šole Tora smo najprej obdelali še nekaj dodatnih principov dizajna, potem pa se posvetili delu na drevesih. Davorin je delal na fikusu - za komercialno vrsto kar dober materijal, čas za delo na tej tropski vrsti pa idealen:
Starting material, as arived at workshop

After defoliation

After the big front branch was removed

The result

Ups, this is not Davorin, this is Andrej, organiser of this time's workshop :-)
We'll continue with workshops in Maribor in the autumn. If you want to join us or even open a branch of school in your town, just contact me.  The expert knowledge is provided. International students are also welcomed!
S srečanji v Mariboru nadaljujemo jeseni. Če si tudi pri vas želite podružnico, se oglasite, vrhunsko znanje zagotovljeno. Dobrodošli so tudi mednarodni študentje!

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