nedelja, 30. junij 2013


At the end of June tips of the spruce trees slowly harden and this is a good time for pruning and wiring of new growth. Despite prompt spring pinching in fact often happens that the growth is too long and should be shortened and diluted. But it is necessary to wait that the tips harden as they are very vulnerable and can be damaged easily.
Konec junija vršički na smrekah počasi otrdijo in to je primeren čas za obrezovanje in žičenje nove rasti. Kljub spomladanskemu sprotnemu vršičkanju se namreč rado zgodi, da je rast prebujna in predolga, zato jo je treba skrajšati in razredčiti. Počakati pa je treba, da vršički otrdijo, saj so sicer zelo ranljivi in jih zlahka poškodujemo.
Even at young tips buds set for next year can be seen. When they are weaker they look as green dots, which is sometimes difficult to spot, with stronger, more mature tips the  buds are red-brown and can be easily observed. Buds are very important because the cut is always done just above the bud.
Že pri mladih vršičkih lahko opazimo brste, ki jih smreka nastavlja za naslednje leto. Pri šibkejših so to majne bledo zelene pikice, ki jih je včasih kar težko opaziti, pri močnejših, zrelejših vršičkih pa so brsti izraziti, rdeče-rjave barve in jih zlahka opazimo. Brsti so pri krajšanju zelo pomembni, saj vršiček krajšamo vedno tik nad brstom.

One must push scissors between the needles and then make a sharp cut above the bud. If you inadvertently cut the needles, they will become brown. With such a cut one can expect normal development of the branch.
Škarje porinemo med iglice in napravimo oster rez nad brstom. Če bi nepazljivo porezali tudi vršičke iglic, bi te grdo porjavele. Ob takšnem rezu lahko pričakujemo normalen razvoj veje.
At irregular cut through the needles and behind the buds, it is likely that the tip will stagnate and in a year or two fade away, also it will not produce new buds. Buds will be formed at the knee of last year's growth at the beginning of the internode, around and around the branch. With this structure of the branch will be lost.
Ob nepravilne rezu, prek iglic in za brsti, je velika verjetnost, da bo vršiček stagniral in v letu ali dveh propadel, saj ne bo sproduciral novih brstov. Brsti se bodo formirali na kolenu lanske rasti, na začetku internodija, okrog in okrog veje. S tem bomo izgubili lepo strukturo veje.
On the picture below one can see the correct cut of young tips. Sharp, just above the bud, needles are intact. Now you can wire a new growth.
Na spodnji sliki je prikazan pravilen rez mladega vršička. Ostro, tik nad brstom, iglice so nepoškodovane. Zdaj lahko novo rast tudi ožičimo.
Spruce after pruning and wiring of the new growth. New step in the development of bonsai is done, crown structure is getting better and better.
Smreka po obrezovanju in žičenju nove rasti. Nov korak k razvoju bonsaja je napravljen, struktura krošnje je vse boljša.

Spruce is still in an early stage of its development. Only a year and four months from the first styling in February 2012 ... Still the progress is considerable, and I look forward to further work on the tree: an improvement in the structure of the crown and the transplant in the lower pot ...
Smreka je šele v zgodnji fazi svojega razvoja. Od prvega oblikovanja februarja 2012 je namreč preteklo le leto in štiri mesece. Napredek je vseeno precejšen in veselim se že nadaljnega dela na drevesu: še izboljšanje strukture krošnje in presaditve v nižjo posodo ...

February 2012

June 2013
P.S.: And never, NEVER forget to spray the tree and your hands during the work on spruce ... ;-)
P.S.: In nikoli, NIKOLI ne pozabite pršiti drevesa in rok med delom na smreki ... ;-)

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