sreda, 5. junij 2013


Nature is still in charge. Although the man in the past decades may have thought that is all-powerful and can control the weather, it is increasingly clear that the in coming years we can expect exciting weather ... And so it happened that I experienced the exhibition, which was washed away by floods for the first time! Well not literally, because Herbert Agnier, president of the Salzburg bonsai club e-mailed me that all participants are arrived home safely and that the wild river stopped to rise a few inches below the rim. The old town of Hallein and exhibition place - an old salt warehouse - were solved. No matter if the exhibition was one day shorter, just that it all ended happily!
Narava je še vedno glavna. Čeprav se je človeku v preteklih desetletjih morda zdelo, da je vsemogočen in da lahko nadzira tudi vreme, je vse bolj jasno, da prihajajo vremensko razburljiva leta ... In tako se je napletlo, da sem prvič doživel tudi razstavo, ki so jo odnesle poplave! No ne dobesedno, saj mi je Herbert Agnier, predsednik Salzburškega bonsaj kluba sporočil, da so vsi udeleženci srečno prispeli domov in da se je podivjana reka ustavila nekaj centimetrov pod robom. Staro mestno jedro Halleina in razstavni prostor - staro skladišče soli, sta bila tako rešena. Nič ne de, če je bila razstava dan krajša, samo da se je vse srečno končalo!

Exhibition venue was spectacular. Level of the trees was relatively high, and I am pleased to find that Slovenian trees were at the top. Roland, Nik and me were exhibiting.
Prizorišče razstave je bilo spektakularno. Nivo dokaj visok, in z veseljem lahko ugotavljam, da so bila slovenska drevesa v samem vrhu. Razstavljali smo Roland, Nik in jaz.

In addition to these three trees I was especially impressed by spruce of Andreas Holzer. Unorthodox raft is really remarkable, if the single trees would be closer together than ...
Poleg teh treh dreves me je še posebej navdušila smreka Andreasa Holzerja. Nekonvencionalen splav je res izjemen, če bi bila še posamezna drevesa bolj skupaj ...
More trees can be seen in the report on the Slovenian bonsai club ...
Več dreves lahko vidite v poročilo na strani Slovenskega bonsaj kluba ...
P. S.: Azaleas are blooming late this year. And if a man has no roof at this year's weather, its beauty will soon be over. I put mine under the roof and enjoy the flowering for almost two weeks :-)
P.S.: Azaleje letos cvetijo pozno. In če človek nima strehe, je ob letošnjem vremenu njene lepote kmalu konec. Jaz sem svojo postavil pod streho in v cvetenju uživam že skoraj dva tedna :-)

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