četrtek, 28. november 2013


The main project of yesterday evening in the Tora bonsai school was Blaž's juniper. Let's look at the story: In February 2011 I was invited to Blaž's for visit and work on juniper. I was pleased to respond to the invitation, and then first met the tree. We spent quite some time to analyze and determine the future of the tree.
Osredni projekt tokratnega večera v šoli Tora je bil Blažev kitajski brin. Poglejmo zgodbo: Februarja 2011 me je Blaž povabil na druženje in delo na brinu pri njem doma. Z veseljem sem se odzval na vabilo in takrat prvič srečal drevo. Kar nekaj časa sva porabila za analizo in določanje prihodnosti.
Juniper, February 2011
For more serious work we ran out of time and then I saw the tree last time for quite some time.
Za resnejše delo je potem zmanjkalo časa in takrat sem drevo videl zadnjič za kar nekaj časa.
After first intervention
After two and a half years Blaž brought the tre in  to the studio. Meanwhile it was re-potted into an upright position, Blaž worked on dead wood and prepared the crown for styling. During this time juniper replaced stress needles with normal ones, green mass is in very good condition.
Po dveh letih in pol se je Blaž z drevesom oglasil v ateljeju. V tem času ga je presadil v pokončni položaj, delal na suhem lesu in pripravljal krošnjo na oblikovanje. Brin je med tem stresne iglice zamenjal z normalnimi, zelenje je v zelo dobrem stanju.
Juniper, November 2013, as arrived to the studio
Despite the well prepared tree work, however, lasted three days, Blaž wired all the branches and then we started to style the tree. During wiring Blaž decided to shorten the first left branch of the tree and put the dynamic movement to the right. My favorite solution was the opposite - cut right one and balancing the tree with a branch on the left - but the owner of the tree is Blaž and in Tora bonsai school the owner of the tree always has the last word ;-)
Kljub dobro pripravljenemu drevesu je delo vendarle trajalo tri dni, da je Blaž natančno ožičil vse veje in je prišlo na vrsto oblikovanje. Že med žičenjem se je blaž odločil, da skrajša prvo levo vejo in s tem drevesu dal dinamično gibanje v desno. Jaz sem sicer navijal za nasprotno - da bi odrezal desno in drevo uravnotežil z vejo na levi - a lastnik drevesa je Blaž in ta ima v Tori vedno zadnjo besedo ;-)
Blaž working
This is the result after the first styling. There is still to much branches in the crown, but Blaž will work on the definition of the crown first. And because this species is growing very fast, he will have a lot of work! In the next stage even more work on the root system must be done and re-potting in a better pot which that tree certainly deserve .
To je rezultat po prvem resnejšem oblikovanju. Na drevesu je še vedno kakšna veja preveč a najprej bo Blaž delal na definiciji krošnje. In ker ta vrsta raste zelo hitro, ga čaka veliko dela! V naslednjih fazah ga čaka tudi še delo na koreninskem sistemu in presajanje v boljšo posodo, ki si jo drevo gotovo zasluži.

Juniper after first styling, November 2013
Development February 2011 - November 2013
Tomaž also finished the first phase on his beech. He wred all branches ( also the ones which will be cut later, for training :-) ), and then styled it. Because it is a species that is very sensitive to pruning and is slow in developing, cutting was done with care. Trunk and primary branches were given a form that was planned, everything else gets a turn in the following stages. A tree has a beautiful future !
Prvo fazo je na bukvi dokončal tudi Tomaž. Ožičil je vse veje (za vajo tudi tiste, ki bodo v naslednji fazi odrezane :-) ), in na vrsto je prišlo oblikovanje. Ker gre za vrsto, ki je zelo občutljiva na obrezovanje in je počasna v razvoju, z rezanjem nismo pretiravali. Deblo in primarne veje so dobile obliko, ki je bila načrtovana, vse ostalo pride na vrsto v naslednjih fazah. A pred drevesom je lepa prihodnost!
Fagus before

Fagus after first styling

This will be the real size of the crown. (Virtual) Cutting will be done next year
Miha started a new project on a beech, Aleš worked on cedar, Gašper studied a new project - han-kengai larch !
Miha je začel nov projekt na bukvi, Aleš je delal na cedri, Gašper pa študiral nov projekt - polkaskadni macesen! 


1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Ej ful ti hvala. Brez tvoje pomoci, mi kljub mojim dolgoletnim izkusnjam, zaradi pomanjkanja znanja o brinih ne bi uspelo. Blaz