After the bad presentation at the EBA convention two years ago, when the tree was already infected with red spider, the Pelican rested for two seasons. During this time it has been transplanted into high-quality Yixing container and gained a lot of new power. I decided that I'll get the tree in shape for International bonsai exhibition, which will be on 31 May to 1 June at Congress center Mons in Ljubljana. (On the official poster is my another Juniper named Mama :-))
Po neposrečeni predstavitvi na konvenciji EBA pred dvema letoma, ko je bil že okužen z rdečim pajkom, je Pelikan dobil dve sezoni zasluženega počitka. Med tem je bil presajen v kakovostno posodo Yixing in nabral veliko novih moči. Odločil sem se, da drevo spravim v formo za Mednarodno razstavo bonsajev, ki bo 31. maja do 1. junija v hotelu Mons v Ljubljani. (Na uradnem plakatu je brin Mama :-) )
After two years of free growth the Juniper was very bushy, so I cleaned at least 50% of foliage and let in the sun and air.
Brin je bil po dveh letih proste rasti zelo košat, zato sem med čiščenjem porezal vsaj 50% vsega zelenja in v krošnjo spustil sonce in zrak.
The Pelican before work started
Then wiring started. It took me a lot of time, but I was satisfied with the result.
Potem se je začelo žičenje. Vzelo mi je ogromno časa, a rezultat me je zadovoljil.
Right side
Left side
I progressed upwards towards the top and increasingly enjoyed it. In four years, Pelikan has progressed very nice!
Po drevesu sem napredoval navzgor proti vrhu in vedno bolj užival. V štirih letih je Pelikan že zelo lepo napredoval!
Pelican January 2011
Pelican April 2014
The base is here now. I still have a lot of work on the details until the exhibition: cleaning the bark and dead wood, substrate, pot ... I hope that It will shine in Congress center Mons and show all its charms!
Osnova je zdaj tu. Do razstave me čaka še veliko dela na podrobnostih: čiščenju skorje, urejanju suhega lesa, substrata, posode ... Upam, da bo v Monsu zablestel in pokazal vse svoje čare!
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