Season continues in full swing, courses in Tora bonsai school follows one after the other. Students who are involved in year-round schooling are progressing nicely and it is a pleasure to watch how their trees are better and better. The other day Miha demonstrated the technique of air layering. His Fagus, which was styled for the first time this winter, unfortunately has a big mistake - nebari has a reverse tappering. Miha will attempt to resolve the error by layering; he will move nebari to the most wide point of trunk.
Sezona je še naprej v polnem teku, v šoli Tora si tečaji sledijo drug za drugim. Študentje, ki so vključeni v celoletno šolanje pa lepo napredujejo in prav užitek je gledati, kako so njihovi bonsaji boljši in boljši. Miha je zadnjič demonstriral tehniko zračnega grebeničenja. Njegova bukev, ki je prvo oblikovanje doživela pozimi, ima žal veliko napako - da se pri nebariju oža, namesto, da bi se širila. Miha bo to napako skušal odpraviti z grebeničenjem; nebari bo prestavil na mesto, kjer je bukev v spodnjem delu najširša.
Bark was striped off just below the widest point of the trunk
Miha adding substrate around the layering spot
Procedure was carefuly observed by some members of school
This is just one of the many techniques that are implemented in the school; all with the purpose to get our trees closer to the ideal which we strive!
To je le ena od številnih tehnik, ki jih izvajamo v šoli; vse z namenom, da bi se naša drevesa čim bolj približala idealu, po katerem stremimo!
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