torek, 3. junij 2014


VI. International Bonsai Exhibition is officialy closed. This one was the best ever. Without a doubt. Quality of trees, mostly Slovenian ones, was on really high level. The result of excellent work over the past ten years in Slovenia. Level was quite comparable to many " best " European exhibition. Two days we enjoyed world-class demonstrations, Nik and as well as both foreign demonstrator Sandor Papp and Andrea Melloni, were great. Anyone who missed the event, may regret it!
Za nami je VI. Mednarodna razstava bonsajev. Najboljša doslej. Brez dvoma. Kvaliteta dreves, večinoma slovenskih, je bila na res visokem nivoju. Rezultat odličnega dela zadnjih deset let v Sloveniji. Nivo je bil povsem primerljiv z marsikatero "najboljšo" evropsko razstavo. Dva dni smo lahko uživali v vrhunskih demonstracijah, Nik in pa tudi oba tuja demonstratorja Sandor Papp in Andrea Melloni, so navdušili. Kdor je dogodek zamudil, mu je lahko žal!

Results of Saturday demos from Melloni and Papp (Sorry Nik, I don't have a photo of your tree ...I was too buisy ...)
Sandor Papp with his assistant Blaž after the Sunday demo
And these were unfortunately a lot. Even before exhibition I had the feeling that promotion does not run as it should and that we will end up disappointed with the number of visitors. So we did. On Saturday really small number of visitors, on Sunday was slightly better. But still below expectations and far from the figures that we have achieved in previous exhibitions. Even tough the event is excellent, without promotion the results are bad.
In teh je bilo žal veliko. Že pred razstavo sem imel občutek, da promocija ne poteka tako, kot bi morala in da bomo na koncu nad obiskom razočarani. Tako se je tudi zgodilo. V soboto res majhen odziv obiskovalcev, v nedeljo je bilo nekoliko bolje. A še vedno pod pričakovanji in daleč od številk, ki smo jih dosegali na prejšnjih razstavah. Brez promocije pač ne gre, pa naj bo dogodek še tako vrhunski.
Among other trees I have also exhibited defoliated ficus. Nice composition with lily in flowrs has attracted a lot of attention. Well, the prize was given to another tree of mine, but it's not as important, more important are the compliments and recognition of those whose opinions mean a lot to me.
Med drugimi drevesi sem razstavil tudi razlistan fikus. Posrečena kompozicija s cvetočo lilijo je pritegnila veliko pozornosti. No, nagrado je dobilo drugo moje drevo, ampak to ni toliko pomembno, pomembnejši so komplimenti in priznanja tistih, katerih mnenja mi veliko pomenijo.

Due to the input energy, stress and everything else, I'll need a few days of regeneration. Finally I understand that I can not and do not want to accept the role of organizer anymore. For various reasons. We will discuss this in the coming days in the club. Nevertheless : It was unforgettable, excellent bonsai event on which we can all be proud of ! Thank you all!
Zaradi vse vložene energije, stresa in vsega ostalega, bom potreboval še nekaj dni regeneracije. Dokončno mi je jasno, da vloge organizatorja nočem in ne morem več sprejeti. Iz različnih razlogov. O tem bomo v prihodnjih dneh govorili v klubu. Kljub vsemu: To je bil nepozaben, vrhunski bonsajski dogodek, na katerega smo lahko vsi ponosni! Hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali!

5 komentarjev:

Anonimni pravi ...

I've got one word for you: Google. That's right, an investment in Google ads returns ten-fold. But, as I'm sure you know by now, stinginess doesn't pay. Anyway, I don't think that's a mistake you'll be needing to make again anytime soon, right?

See you in two years! Or not. ;-)

Anonimni pravi ...

little statistics
cca60 trees/100%

cca12 domestic trees / 20%
cca6 trees from the nursery / 10%
>40 trees directly from a bonsai nursery (Japan)/70%
Where is the progress?
Maybe in wallet bonsai retailers?!

Tomaž Kovšca pravi ...

:-) The progress is in that 20% of domestic trees you mentioned! :-) But also in trees from bonsai nursery. If you don't know how to take care of trees than even money can't help you. The tree is then not ready for exhibiton. And, of course, you don't know the history of trees. I do. And I know in what state they were purcased and what single author did in recent years with them. So? The progress is great, and is it so even if you are not satisfied with! :-)

Tomaž Kovšca pravi ...

P.S.: Do I feel some jealousy in your writings? :-)

Janez pravi ...

Pomoje je tole isti mojster za statistiko in jezike, ki je pisal na Rolandovem blogu! Ne se pustit provucirat! Lažje je kritizirat in se filat z negativizmom, kot pokazat svoj izdelek in iskati v stvareh dobro!