sobota, 30. avgust 2014


Rok trusted me to take care over his collection in which one can find some top trees. Japanese red pine, Akamatsu, Pinus densiflora, in the sumo style is certainly one of them. It is an excellent material, purpose-cultivated for bonsai, practically without any mistake; has good movement, tappering, branches in the right places. Nebari more than 20 cm at 37 cm height. But in the last few years has been completely neglected and will need some work to be back in top form.
Rok mi je zaupal urejanje njegove zbirke v kateri je tudi nekaj vrhunskih dreves. Japonski rdeči bor, akamatsu, Pinus densiflora, v sumo slogu je gotovo eno izmed njih. Gre za vrhunski materijal, namensko vzgajan za bonsaj, praktično brez napak; ima dobro gibanje, ožanje, veje na pravih mestih. Nebari dobrih 20 cm pri 37 cm višine. Toda v zadnjih nekaj letih je bil povsem zanemarjen in potrebno bo kar nekaj dela, da bo ponovno v vrhunski formi.
Akamatsu as arrived to TORA atelier
To make the maintenance easier it was planted in too big and too deep pot, improper watering and fertilizing is reflected in the different sized needles, crown structure began to lose. The first task was therefore restoring the structure, selection of buds and after a long time wiring the branches. Work took me quite some time but after the first intervention it is clear that this will be a great tree.
Zaradi lažjega vzdrževanja je bil posajen v preveliko in pregloboko posodo, nepravilno zalivanje in gnojenje se odraža na različno velikih iglicah, struktura krošnje se je začela izgubljati. Prva naloga je torej bila obnavljanje strukture, selekcija brstov in po dolgem času žičenje vej. Delo mi je vzelo kar nekaj časa a že po prvem posegu je jasno, da bo to vrhunsko drevo.
Akamatsu after first intervention, August 2014
Now the tree will receive some rest, controlled watering and fertilization. In spring it will be re-potted in a more appropriate pot, in summer fine re-wired. And maybe ready for exhibition!
Zdaj bo drevo deležno nekaj počitka, nadzorovanega zalivanja in gnojenja. Spomladi bo presajeno v primernejšo posodo, poleti pa ponovno fino ožičeno. In morda pripravljeno na razstavljanje!

Akamastu as arrived in studio, white background

After first intervention, August 2014

Thumb up!

sreda, 27. avgust 2014


More and more trees going through TORA studio, experiencing transformation and begining or continuing their bonsai path. This time I present two examples of not-so-good material, as they were the last examples, but with proper work nonetheless both trees can become a beautiful bonsai in a few years. This is in fact only the beginning of their journey.
Vedno več dreves gre skozi TORA atelje, doživljajo preobrazbo in začenjajo ali nadaljujejo bonsajsko pot. Tokrat predstavljam dva primera ne tako dobrega materijala, kot so bili zadnji primeri, a z dobrim delom vseeno obe drevesi lahko v nekaj letih postaneta lepa bonsaja. To je namreč šele začetek njune poti.
Black Pine is from Rok's collection, in his garden he has remarkable trees, but here and there one can find a specimen which will require a little more effort. The tree has great old crust, now one must work on the compactness of the crown:
Črni bor je iz Rokove zbirke, Rok ima v svojem vrtu izjemna drevesa, tu in tam pa se najde tudi primerek, ki bo potreboval nekoliko več truda. Drevo odlikuje stara skorja, zdaj bo treba delati na kompaktnosti krošnje:

Peter's Spruce is interesting because of the natural shari and jins; green is far from the trunk, so the branches shortening will be the main task in the following years:
Petrova smreka je zanimiva zaradi naravnega šarija in džinov; zelenje je daleč od debla, zato bo krajšanje vej v naslednjih letih glavna naloga:

četrtek, 21. avgust 2014


Miha is a collector already for a long time, and he has a sense for good and special material. He has some great spruces in his collection, which were nursed for a few years, but now they are ready for the first serious interventions. This one we began to prepare two years ago; pasture-spruce was thinned, we opened up the branches and let the light in to the crown.
Miha je kolektor z dolgim stažem in predvsem z občutkom za dober in poseben materijal. V svoji zbirki ima nekaj krasnih smrek, ki jih je nekaj let negoval, zdaj pa so pripravljene na prve resnejše posege. Tole sva začela pripravljat že pred dvema letoma; pašniško smreko sva razredčila, razprla veje in v krošnjo spustila svetlobo.
Spruce as it was collected, spring 2012

First wire on the tree, 2012

The future bonsai and the owner
Two years later Miha brought the spruce in TORA studio, where it was fully wired for the first time. During last two years Miha has also transplanted it in to first bonsai pot.
Dve leti kasneje jo je Miha pripeljal v TORA atelje, kjer je bila prvič v celoti ožičena. Med tem jo je Miha že tudi presadil v prvo bonsajsko posodo.
Spruce as arrived in TORA studio, white background, August 2014
Spruce after, white background, August 2014

The same tree, black background, August 2014

Final image, black background, August 2014

Spruce now has final shape and dynamics. In the future more classic rectangular pot would suit it. When the branches of the tree will mature, than much less branches will be in the crown.  
Smreka je zdaj dobila dokončno obliko in dinamiko. V prihodnosti bi ji pristojala bolj klasična pravoktona posoda. Ko bodo veje dozorele bo v krošnji veliko manj vej, kot jih je v tem trenutku.

sreda, 6. avgust 2014


The result largely depend on the material. This we all know. Well, the artist who style the tree has a big role too :-)! But I wanted to say that the material sometimes offers a fast result, one can achive the exhibition form in let say three years, while sometimes 6 years and over is not enough. Here is the story of juniper species virginiana, which I have been working on for 6 years; some other hands left their marks on it also, but is not quite ready for exhibition yet. However, the moment of the first exhibition is slowly approaching!
Rezultat je v veliki meri odvisen od materijala. To vsi vemo. No, veliko vlogo ima tudi umetnik, ki drevo oblikuje :-) ! Ampak hotel sem povedati to, da materijal včasih omogoča hiter rezultat, do razstavne forme recimo v treh letih, med tem ko včasih tudi 6 let in več ni dovolj. Tu je zgodba brina vrsta virginiana, na katerem delam že 6 let, na njem je svoje sledi pustilo še nekaj drugih rok, a še ni čisto zrel za razstavljanje. Se pa trenutek prve razstave počasi vendarl bliža! 
Juniperus virginiana, development 2008-2014
It was the end of November 2008 and outside the first snow of that winter was falling. With Rajko we prepared one of the first demonstrations in Tora bonsai school. A neglected urban jamadori - Juniperus virginiana - was on the table.
Bilo je konec novembra 2008 in zunaj je padal prvi sneg tiste zime. Z Rajkotom sva pripravila eno prvih demonstracij v šoli Tora. Na mizi je bil zanemarjen urbani jamadori - Juniperus virginiana.
I got this juniper in 2007 from Andrej in exchange for beech, he collected the tree from concrete conteiner in the city. Juniper grew 30-40 years in that container, and now it was time to  turn it from ugly duckling into a swan.
Brin sem leta 2007 v zameno za bukev dobil od Andreja, ki je brin izkopal iz mestnega korita. Brin je v koritu rastel 30-40 let, zdaj pa je bil čas, da se iz grdega račka spremeni v laboda.
Juniperus virginiana, November 2008, before work started
Rajko outlined the shari line with a chisel and so he leave his mark on the tree forever ...
Rajko je na z dletom začrtal potek šarija in tako na drevesu za vedno pustil svoje sledi ...
Rajko working
Juniperus virginiana after first intervention, November 2008
In the spring of 2009 it was transplanted in to first bonsai pot. At that time I was not satisfied with the direction of development, so in autumn 2009 we're (Tomaž H. and me) worked on it again. But I did not like the new front. Juniper was very difficult material.
Spomladi 2009 je bil presajen v prvo bonsajsko posodo. Z smerjo razvoja takrat nisem bil zadovoljen, zato sva jeseni 2009 s Tomažem spet delala na njem. Poskus spremenjene prve strani mi prav tako ni bil všeč. Brin je bil zelo težak materijal.
Tomaž H. was also among those who worked on tree during this years 
Then the juniper was re-potted and forgotten in the corner of the garden for quite some time. In the spring of 2012, I have chosen it for the club demonstration with Andrea Melloni. We were back to the original design, juniper was back on the road to bonsai.
Potem je bil brin ponovno presajen in za nekaj časa pozabljen v kotu vrta. Spomladi 2012 pa sem ga izbral za klubsko demonstracijo z Andreo Mellonijem. Spet nazaj k originalnemu dizajnu, brin je bil spet na poti k bonsaju.

At demo with Andrea, spring 2012

Club-workshop was well intended

Andrea finishing his work

Juniperus virginiana, virtual after demo with Andrea Melloni, spring 2012
Following the workshop with Melloni I finally got the feeling that from the material beautiful bonsai may arise. In the next year Juniper reacted nice, I could cut a few spaghetti-branches and improved the crown structure. I also removed too dominant jin.

Po delavnici z Mellonijem sem končno dobil občutek, da lahko iz materijala nastane lep bonsaj. V naslednjem letu je brin lepo reagiral, lahko sem porezal nekaj špagetastih vej in izboljšal strukturo. Odstranil sem tudi preveč dominanten džin.

July 2013, before summer wiring

July 2013, after summer wiring

Another year has passed, after two growing seasons juniper was planted in a new pot, the time has come to cut all old wire and redefined the tree. I also refined the shari and isolate the veins, which are exaggerating nice.

Spet je minilo leto, brin je bil posajen v novo posodo, po dveh rastnih sezonah je prišel čas, da porežem vso staro žico in drevo na novo zdefiniram. Dodelal sem tudi šari in izoliral žile, ki se lepo napihujejo.

July 2014, before summer wiring

July 2014, after, black background

July 2014, after, white background

July 2014, Juniper virginiana resting at it's spot in my garden
After six years of work juniper is approaching a exhibition shape. It's story is something special. It is a story about friends who are united by tree. Andrej, Rajko, Tomaž H., Andrea, Blaž (and anyone else I forgot) and me, we have all contributed a fraction of a wonderful story, a story about a tree that from neglected juniper has become a beautiful bonsai .
Po šestih letih dela se brin približuje razstavni formi. Njegova zgodba je nekaj posebnega. Je zgodba o prijateljih, ki jih je združevalo drevo. Andrej, Rajko, Tomaž H., Andrea, Blaž (pa še koga sem pozabil) in moja malenkost, smo prispevali delček v čudovito zgodbo, zgodbo o drevesu, ki je iz zanemarjenega brina postalo bonsaj.